The right diabetes diet depends partly on the form of diabetes: Type 1 diabetics can basically eat a similar diet as non-diabetics. Type 2 diabetics, however, should usually reduce their overall energy intake because they are usually overweight. Important in both forms of diabetes is that the energy supply and the usable amount of insulin…
Wilson’s disease
Wilson’s disease (copper storage disease) is a hereditary disease. Due to a genetic defect, copper is not sufficiently excreted and accumulates in the body. Affected suffer mainly from liver damage and movement disorders. Left untreated, Wilson’s disease leads to death. With the right and timely treatment, patients can become symptom free. Read more about the…
Colon polyps are protrusions of the intestinal mucosa. They can arise in certain diseases or even without apparent cause. Almost half of all people over the age of 70 have colon polyps. Mostly they do not cause discomfort and are only detected in the check-up. Since they can degenerate into colon cancer, they should be…
Placenta previa
Placenta praevia (placenta praevia) refers to the malposition of the mother cake in pregnant women. A typical symptom is vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy. Depending on the extent, the placenta praevia can be life-threatening for both mother and child. Read all about the Plazenta praevia! Placenta praevia: description A placenta praevia (placenta praevia) is a…
Acute stress reaction
An acute stress reaction, colloquially also called nervous breakdown, is triggered by a traumatic event. For example, the patients suffer from memory gaps, nightmares or tachycardia. If the symptoms persist for more than two days, this is called an acute stress disorder. Those affected can be helped by psychotherapeutic support or medication. Read all about…
In a conjunctivitis, the eye reddened, tears and often hurts or itches. Behind it can be a bacterial infection, an allergy or a disturbing foreign body in the eye. Accordingly, the treatment methods are different. How to reliably recognize conjunctivitis and how to treat it properly, read here. Conjunctivitis: short overview Common symptoms: red eyes,…
Temporal arteritis
Temporal arteritis is a rheumatic vascular disease. Affected suffer mainly from unilateral, severe headache in the temporal region. The disease is diagnosed by ultrasound and a tissue sample. Since it can have serious consequences such as blindness, it needs to be treated quickly. Here you can read all important information about temporal arteritis. Temporal arteritis:…
Eczema (atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in relapses. It goes along with agonizing itching. Often it affects the scalp, face and hands. In Germany, about 15 percent of children and two to four percent of adults have atopic dermatitis. Read more about symptoms, causes and triggers (triggers), treatment…
Chlamydia infection
Chlamydia infection is caused by bacteria. It can cause different clinical pictures. Depending on the Chlamydia subgroup, genital organs, eyes or respiratory tracts are particularly affected. Read all important information about: What are Chlamydia? What symptoms do they cause? How can you treat a chlamydia infection? Chlamydia infection: short overview symptoms: Pharyngitis, (conjunctivitis (in case…
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, mad cow disease) is one of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). It affects cattle, but can also be transmitted to humans. Then she triggers the new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJK). Read all important information about BSE here. BSE: facts and figures Due to the BSE scandal in the mid-1990s, the…