In contrast to diverticulosis, diverticulitis causes symptoms that are often very uncomfortable. Characteristic are dull and non-colicky pains, which usually sit in the left lower abdomen. Less often, the pain also occurs in the right half of the abdomen. Other diverticulitis symptoms are mainly fever and indigestion. Find out more about the signs of diverticulitis….
Life with stroke
A stroke often changes the whole life – that of the person concerned and that of his relatives. What is the future career? Can and can the patient continue to drive? Are holidays possible? What should relatives pay attention to in everyday handling of stroke patients? Answers to these and other questions about the life…
Harmony test
The Harmony test is a blood test that can be performed on pregnant women. With his help, Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities in the child can be detected with high certainty. Read here how the Harmony test works, what you should consider in advance and how high the costs are! Harmony test: how does…
gastric balloon
The gastric balloon is a liquid or air filled silicone balloon which is introduced into the stomach by means of a gastroscopy. Its size ensures that a faster feeling of satiety during eating. A gastric balloon, however, is effective only with a simultaneous change in diet and lifestyle and will be removed after six months…
Eczema – baby
One of the most common skin diseases in childhood is atopic dermatitis: Baby and toddler first show cradle cap, reddened, scaly skin and itching. Sometimes the inflammatory skin disease disappears as it grows. In other cases, it persists into adulthood. Read more about eczema in infants and helpful tips for parents here. Symptoms of eczema:…
Achalasia is a rare chronic esophageal disease. Affected suffer mainly from complaints when swallowing. Other typical achalasia symptoms include regurgitation of undigested chyme from the esophagus, pain behind the sternum, weight loss and bad breath. Left untreated, achalasia can cause serious complications. Read all about the signs, risks and treatment options of achalasia. Achalasia: description…
Fructose intolerance table
A fructose intolerance chart provides an important guide to helping people with intolerance eat what they can and can not eat. It is good to know that those affected by fructose intolerance do not necessarily have to do without all the foods in the fructose intolerance list. It is necessary to test out the personal…
ticks areas
A tick area describes the region in which ticks occur. In addition, the cards mark whether the ticks are infected with pathogens. In Central Europe, the common wood buck (Ixodes ricinus) is the most widespread species of ticks. In Eastern Europe and Russia, the species Ixodes persulcatus predominantly occurs. Read all about the tick areas…
Barley grain – home remedies
Gerstenkorn home remedies are popular: Many patients swear by the healing power of moist-warm compresses or poultices for the diseased eye. But such home remedies for barley grain can sometimes do more harm than good. Read more about the efficacy and potential risks of barley home remedies and why healthy diet and exercise are the…
Abdominal influenza
Gastrointestinal flu is the colloquial term for pathogen-induced gastrointestinal inflammation (gastroenteritis). With the real flu (influenza) has the gastrointestinal flu but nothing to do. It is usually harmless, but causes unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting diarrhea. In rare cases, a gastrointestinal infection can be more complicated. Here you will learn the most important thing about…