The term color blindness describes various forms of inherited or acquired color vision deficiency. Depending on the type of color blindness affected persons either do not see any colors (Achromasie) or they do not perceive certain colors (Dichromasie). Find out everything important about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of color blindness here. Color blindness: description…
acromioclavicular blast
In a shoulder articular joint (AC joint blasting), the structures that stabilize the shoulder joint are injured. The reason is usually an indirect violence. The affected shoulder is typically painful and can not be fully moved. The examination reveals a resilient collarbone (piano key phenomenon). Learn more about the Schultereckgelenksprengung here. Schultereckgelenksprengung: Description The Schultereckgelenk…
Coxarthrosis is a wear of the hip joint. Hip osteoarthritis is especially common in the elderly. In the X-ray you can see how much the arthrosis has changed the hip joint and adjacent bone structures. In extreme cases, the joint must be replaced by a prosthesis. Here you can read everything important about the development…
Hemorrhoids – Pregnancy
In women, there is an important risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids: pregnancy. Read here why expectant mothers often suffer from hemorrhoids and what you can do about it! Hemorrhoids: pregnancy as a risk factor Hemorrhoids in pregnancy occur in about half of all expectant mothers. They are usually mild, usually the severity line…
Psoriasis – Scalp
In more than two-thirds of patients psoriasis affects the scalp (medical term: psoriasis capitis) and forehead. Thus, these sites are by far the most affected areas of the body by psoriasis – regardless of age, gender or stage of disease. Find out more about psoriasis capitis here. Psoriasis – scalp: what symptoms occur? Since the…
Diabetes Test
A diabetes test should determine whether you are suffering from diabetes. For this the blood and the urine are examined and if necessary an oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) is carried out. A home-use diabetes self-test may be for guidance only and should not replace a doctor’s visit. Learn how the various investigations are going…
Hemophilia (hemophilia) is a blood clotting disorder that is usually inherited. The patients lack important blood coagulation factors or these are defective. Therefore, hemophiliacs (hemophiliacs) tend to bleed and easily get “bruises” (bruises). The hemophilia can not heal so far. Thanks to modern therapies, however, people with blood can lead a largely normal life. Read…
Binge Eating
Binge-eating (food addiction) is a mental disorder that manifests itself in recurring binge eating. Those affected have no control over their eating habits and devour enormous amounts of food. Most of them are overweight and their self-esteem is low. Although binge eating is the most common eating disorder in the population, research into the disease…
Type 3 diabetes
The term diabetes type 3 summarizes various rare types of diabetes that arise in other ways than type 1 and type 2 diabetes. LADA also holds a special position. Read all about diabetes type 3 and LADA diabetes here! What is a type 3 diabetes? The term diabetes type 3 (or “other specific types of…
Epilepsy (Latin epilepsy) is also called “epilepsy” in German and colloquially often referred to as cramping. Epilepsy is a malfunction of the brain. It is triggered by nerve cells, which suddenly fire impulses simultaneously and discharge themselves electrically. Quick Overview Description: Epilepsy is characterized by epileptic seizures. These are short-term dysfunctions of the brain in…