Ureteritis occurs when lower urinary tract infection is overlooked and the bacteria continue to rise upwards towards the renal pelvis. A ureteral inflammation usually causes severe pain that radiate into the abdomen or the back. A quick treatment (usually with antibiotics) is important so that the ureter does not spread to the renal pelvis and…
Chikungunya is a feverish viral disease. It occurs mainly in Africa and Southeast Asia and is transmitted by mosquitoes. In addition to high fever, severe muscle and joint pain are typical Chikungunya symptoms. The disease is usually benign. However, only the complaints can be treated, not the triggering virus. Read all important information about Chikungunya…
Psoriasis – nutrition
Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. Foods that promote these processes should therefore be reduced as much as possible. Conversely, there are also foods that dampen inflammation. These are especially recommended. Find out here which nutrition can best contribute to the course of the skin disease. Remove weight In overweight psoriasis patients, diet should aim to…
Lupus Erythematosus – Symptoms
The symptoms that occur in lupus erythematosus depend crucially on the course of the disease. The disease can be limited to the skin, but also affect organs. Here you read all important information about the signs of the different lupus forms. Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus (“skin lupus”) is characterized by disc-shaped,…
cats bite
A cat bite can be painful and easily inflamed. Therefore, a visit to a doctor is recommended for every cat bite. First, it is important to provide first aid properly. Read here what action you should take immediately after a cat bite, and what can happen if first aid and (medical) wound treatment fail. Cat…
gambling addiction
People with gambling addiction suffer from the compulsive urge to gamble. At slot machines, in casinos or through betting, they often lose all their fortune. Play becomes serious, because the consequences of gambling addiction can be dramatic. The gambling addiction is a disease that can usually not be managed without professional help. Read all important…
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAB) is a hemorrhage between the middle meninges (arachnoid or spiderweb skin) and the inner meninges (pia mater or soft meninges) filled with brainwash (cerebrospinal fluid). There are many blood vessels in this narrow, slit-shaped space around the brain. If a vessel bursts before it enters the brain tissue, the escaping blood spreads…
yellow fever
Yellow fever is a life-threatening viral infectious disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. It occurs only in tropical Africa and South America. In severe cases, yellow fever ends fatally in more than every other case. For this reason, a preventive vaccine against the infection is very important. When entering and leaving the country, it is…
Hypothyroidism – nutrition
People with hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) usually have to take hormone pills for life as a replacement for the missing thyroid hormones. However, it should not be taken with calcium-rich drinks or food such as milk, dairy products and fruit juices, as calcium blocks the intake of the drug. Here you read all important information about nutrition…
Rehabilitation and aftercare for breast cancer
After the acute phase of breast cancer treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare follow. Breast cancer patients should be relieved with various rehabilitation measures, including the return to everyday life. Aftercare for breast cancer is primarily aimed at early detection of possible relapses or second tumors. Read more about rehabilitation and aftercare for breast cancer! Rehab after…