If the tooth substance is already damaged by bacteria, a caries treatment is needed. Without treatment, caries progresses continuously. The bacteria can be transmitted to nerves and bones and cause severe inflammation. The sooner caries is detected and treated, the better the prognosis. Read all important information about caries treatment here. Caries treatment in the…
Femoral neck fracture
The femoral neck fracture (femoral neck fracture, femoral neck fracture) is common in older people with osteoporosis. Cause is usually a fall on the side of the hip or on the stretched or splayed leg. The hip fracture causes severe pain to those affected, and the leg can no longer be moved actively. The treatment…
celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It is triggered by a misguided immune response to gluten gluten, which is found in many cereals. Patients get severe diarrhea and abdominal pain when they consume gluten-containing foods. So far, the therapy is mainly limited to a lifelong gluten-free diet, under which the symptoms no longer occur….
Graves’ disease
Graves’ disease is the second important autoimmune thyroid disease in addition to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In both cases, specific antibodies trigger autoimmune inflammatory processes. These lead in the case of Graves’ disease to an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). In addition, Graves’ disease can affect the eyes, lower legs, hands and feet. Read all important information about Graves’…
Age warts
Senile warts are not real warts because they are not caused by viruses. Therefore, they are not contagious. Senile warts are however widespread. Because they are benign, they do not necessarily have to be removed. Read all important information about age warts: appearance, diagnosis and treatment! How to recognize age warts Age warts or senile…
Lactose intolerance test
A lactose intolerance test is the only way to be sure of lactose intolerance. For a diagnosis that is based only on the symptoms is often not clear. Other food intolerances and a number of diseases are similar, which is why it is important to obtain definitive proof. In order to reliably test for lactose…
adjustment disorder
An adjustment disorder can occur after stressful life changes, such as a separation. Those affected suffer from anxiety and depressive moods and have difficulty fulfilling their day-to-day responsibilities. Unlike other mental disorders, the adjustment disorder is usually temporary. Read all important information about the adjustment disorder here. Adjustment error: Description Life changing events, both positive…
Norovirus symptoms
Norovirus symptoms usually start very suddenly: Most sufferers suffer from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Especially for children and the elderly, the loss of fluids and salts (electrolytes) can be dangerous. Read all important information about norovirus symptoms here. Typical norovirus symptoms Norovirus infection leads to an acute “gastrointestinal flu” (gastroenteritis). Usually, just a few hours…
sun allergy
A sun allergy is strictly speaking in most cases not a true allergy. The colloquial term rather describes various diseases that are triggered by a reaction to sunlight. What they all have in common is that the body’s natural defense mechanism fails to withstand UV radiation, causing symptoms such as itchy, burning skin and blisters…
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Lambert-Eaton syndrome (Lambert-Eaton myasthenia syndrome) is a rare condition in which the transmission of signals to the nerves is disturbed. The main symptoms of Lambert-Eaton syndrome are muscle weakness, reflex losses and impaired regulation of various body functions. In about 60 percent of cases, Lambert-Eaton syndrome occurs as part of a cancer. It is particularly…