The PrenaTest, like the Panorama test, is a prenatal blood test. Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 13 or trisomy 18 are very likely to be detected with their help. A blood sample of the expecting mother is sufficient for the examination. In contrast to invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis (such as…
The meningioma is a mostly benign tumor of the meninges. It grows slowly and often causes late symptoms such as seizures or headaches. The tumor is formed mainly in women around the age of 50 years. It can be well treated by surgery and radiotherapy, but in many cases returns after a few years. Here…
malaria prophylaxis
Malaria prophylaxis refers to measures intended to prevent infection with malaria or the onset of the disease. This includes, above all, already preventing the bite of the Anopheles mosquito – the transmitter of malaria pathogens (exposure prophylaxis). It is also possible to take preventive malaria medications to prevent a disease outbreak in case of possible…
Leg Ulcer
An ulcus cruris (open leg) is a deep and usually poorly healing wound on the lower leg. The cause is circulatory disorders. An untreated leg ulcer can become chronic, the circulatory disorders may be life threatening. A leg ulcer is treated by eliminating the cause of circulatory problems and providing medical attention to the wound….
Obesity is said to be a strong overweight that can harm your health. Obesity is a chronic disease associated with impaired quality of life and high risk of complications. Affected people not only suffer physical consequences, but also stigmatization by the environment. Read here exactly what obesity is, how it expresses itself and what you…
Torn ligament on the knee
A ligament tear on the knee is a common sports injury, such as football, tennis or skiing. It affects the stability of the knee joint. Sometimes the ligament tear at the knee can be treated conservatively, in other cases surgery is necessary. Read all important information about torn ligaments on the knee! Torn ligament on…
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. This can be caused by viruses, toxins, drugs or autoimmune diseases. Physicians distinguish different forms of hepatitis depending on the cause, duration and histologic features. Read more about symptoms, causes and treatment of liver inflammation and how to prevent hepatitis! Quick Overview What is hepatitis? An inflammation of…
Fracture of the base of the scull
A skull base fracture (temporal bone fracture, otobasal fracture) is a fracture of the skull base due to trauma. Typical symptoms include bruising around the eyes, facial nerve palsy and hearing impairment. The cause of a skull base fracture is a direct trauma to the skull. The treatment is mostly conservative. Find out more about…
salmonella poisoning
Salmonella poisoning (salmonellosis) is an infection with salmonella. These bacteria can trigger various diseases, including typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and enteritis. A typhoid disease is always treated with antibiotics, enteritis usually only in severe cases. Read more about salmonella poisoning here! Salmonella poisoning: description Salmonella poisoning (salmonellosis) is generally an infection with salmonella, ie certain…
The term golfer’s arm (epicondylitis humeri ulnaris, epicondylitis humeri medialis) describes a painful change in the tendon insertion of certain muscles in the area of the elbow. Cause is usually an overload of tendons at work or during sports. A typical sign of a golfer’s elbow (golfer’s elbow) is a severe pressure pain on the…