The mesothelioma is a tumor that emanates, for example, from cells of the lung, peritoneal or pericardium and encloses the lungs in the form of a coat. It particularly affects people who have had contact with asbestos for a long time. Mesothelioma can be benign or malignant (pleural cancer, breast cancer). Treatment usually consists of…
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is a recurring inflammation of the pancreas. In up to 80 percent of cases, it is caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Typical symptoms include a belt-shaped upper abdominal pain, weight loss, indigestion and disturbed blood sugar regulation. Here you can read all important information about chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis: description Chronic pancreatitis is…
Gynecomastia is a benign mammary gland growth in men. It can occur unilaterally or on both sides. Gynecomastia should be differentiated from the so-called pseudogyäcomastie (lipomastia), which arises in strong obesity solely by the increased formation of fatty tissue around the chest. A gynecomastia is not always pathological, but can also occur naturally in certain…
Cyst on the ovary
A cyst on the ovary (ovarian cyst) is a cavity partially filled with fluid or tissue on the ovaries. An ovarian cyst is either congenital or develops under certain conditions. Most ovarian cysts do not cause any discomfort and return on their own. Read all about causes and treatment of a cyst on the ovary….
Umbilical hernia – baby
An umbilical hernia – ie the visible, soft swelling in the navel – is quite common in babies. He is usually harmless and usually heals by himself. Everything important to the umbilical hernia in the baby read here. Umbilical hernia – baby: description The umbilical hernia in babies is a visible, soft swelling in the…
Oak Processionary Moth: Dermatitis and Allergy
The oak processionary moth is a butterfly species. His caterpillars are covered with fine poisons that cause severe skin irritation with burning, itching and wheals. Doctors also speak of a caterpillar dermatitis. Inhaled, the female fairies trigger respiratory problems. Some people are also allergic to the toxins. Read here how to prevent unpleasant consequences of…
Osteoarthritis is a painful joint disease. It arises when the articular cartilage is irreparably damaged. With conservative therapies or surgery, the symptoms of joint wear and tear can be significantly reduced. Read more: What is Osteoarthritis? Which complaints occur? What to do against osteoarthritis? Arthrosis: short overview Most commonly affected joints: Knee, hip, shoulder, spine,…
Sleep Apnea – Therapy
Sleep apnea is characterized by frequent respiratory failure during sleep – it can lead to dangerous respiratory arrest. Patients with sleep apnea are barely recovering after sleep, often tired during the day, and more likely to suffer accidents. The heart can also be damaged if the sleep apnea therapy does not start on time. Read…
A fibroid is a benign tumor that develops from muscle cells. Often the term myoma is used in general for the uterine myoma. Myomas in the uterus are the most common benign tumors in women. They are not dangerous in themselves, but can cause unpleasant discomfort and serious complications. Read all important information about fibroids…
Thyroid cancer is a rare but treacherous cancer. It is often determined by chance during a routine examination. Those affected usually do not notice anything of a thyroid carcinoma until the tumor has spread to surrounding tissue. Depending on the cell type from which it emerges, there are four types of thyroid cancer. They differ…