In a breast reconstruction (breast reconstruction) after an amputation, the breast shape and the nipple are restored. Even after a breast conserving surgery in which a lot of tissue has been removed, a breast structure may be useful. Rebuilding takes place with implants or own tissue. Read more about the breast structure here! General information…
nucleotomy syndrome
As a postnucleotomy syndrome, physicians call persistent pain after back surgery. They are especially common after a disc surgery. In the English-speaking world, doctors speak of “failed back surgery syndrome”. Read all important about the Postnukleotomiesyndrom: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis! Postnucleotomy syndrome: description Physicians speak of a postnucleotomy syndrome when patients complain of…
Blood poisoning – symptoms
Especially in the early stages of blood poisoning, the symptoms are difficult to detect. This is because the complaints are often unspecific, so could also be caused by many other diseases. Signs of blood poisoning must nevertheless be recognized quickly in order to stop the event. The chances of recovery increase with an early diagnosis….
whooping cough
Whooping cough (pertussis) is an acute upper respiratory tract infection. Typical symptoms are spasmodic coughing fits and a gasping breath during the subsequent breath. Whooping cough can affect children and adults alike, but manifests itself slightly differently. Read here how contagious pertussis is, how it is treated and why it often goes unnoticed by adults….
Spider phobia (arachnophobia) is one of the most common animal phobias. Although many people are disgusted by the eight-legged animals, people with a pathological fear of spiders hardly bear the sight of spiders. They react to them with anxiety or even panic, often accompanied by tachycardia, sweating and breathlessness. Read here how an arachnophobia arises,…
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is a pathological disorder of sugar metabolism. The blood sugar level of those affected is permanently increased. This damages the vessels and various organs over time. Therefore, diabetes should be detected early and treated. Here are answers to all the important questions: What is diabetes exactly? What are the symptoms and sequelae…
EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli) means certain strains of the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli. As a rule, EHEC infection is asymptomatic with watery diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. In rare cases, however, the disease can take a life-threatening course when developing a bloody bowel inflammation (hemorrhagic colitis) or hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Find out everything important…
Sudden cardiac death
A sudden cardiac death can kill a person completely unexpectedly from life. However, the second-death could be avoided in many cases, as it usually announces itself by warning signs. Sudden cardiac death is always caused by a severe cardiac arrhythmia. Whether it succeeds in recognizing these in good time and treating them successfully will determine…
Retinal detachment
Retinal detachment is a rare disease of the eye, in which the retina on the ocular fundus is detached. Affected persons perceive flashes of light and complain about various visual disturbances. Left untreated, retinal detachment can lead to blindness, so it is an ophthalmological emergency. Read all important information about retinal detachment here! Retinal detachment:…
stem warts
Stem warts (fibromas) are despite their name no real warts. Instead, it is small, soft, stalked skin appendages, which are usually only a few millimeters in size. Why they arise, you do not know. They are certainly not caused by viruses (like real warts). That’s why they are not contagious. For medical reasons, the skin…