Genital warts (condylomata, Condylomata acuminata) are benign skin growths in the genital area. They are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Genital warts are caused by an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). After infection with the viruses, four weeks to eight months pass before first warts form (incubation period). Read all important information…
acoustic neuroma
The acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) is a rare, benign tumor of the auditory and equilibrium nerves. It can cause symptoms such as hearing loss and dizziness, but it can not cause any discomfort. Smaller tumors are often irradiated, larger tumors removed surgically. Here you can read everything important about the acoustic neuroma. Acoustic neuroma: description…
incisional hernia
A scar hernia (hernia) refers to a protrusion (hernia) that occurs in the area of a scar. The scarring is a common complication of a previous abdominal operation. Among the causes include obesity and a disturbed wound healing of the scar. A scar fracture should always be operated, as the further divergence of the scar…
Fatty liver – symptoms
Fatty liver symptoms are often nonspecific. Some sufferers feel a feeling of pressure in the right upper abdomen or suffer from bloating. However, patients often do not have fatty liver symptoms. Only with progressive disease symptoms occur. Since the disease can have dire consequences, non-specific fatty liver symptoms should also be taken seriously. Here’s everything…
Tension headache
Tension headache is the most common type of headache. More than every second adult in Germany suffers from it at least once a year. Most are dull, bilateral headaches, accompanied by muscular tension in the neck. Therapeutically, tension-type headache is treated with normal analgesics. If they occur several times a month, preventive therapy may be…
Lower blood pressure
Not only with medication can high blood pressure be lowered. Also, general measures such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and overweight reduction can reduce high blood pressure levels. Read here all the important answers to the question “What to do about hypertension – apart from the drug treatment?” What to do in hypertension? If you…
Myeloid leukemia
As myeloid leukemia, medical professionals refer to certain forms of blood cancer. Depending on the course, one differentiates between acute myeloid leukemia (ALL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Both are especially common in adults of older age. In addition, in both cases men are slightly more affected than women. Read all important information about myeloid…
Treat insect bites
Most of the time you can treat insect bites yourself and you do not have to go to a doctor. However, this only applies if you have no insect venom allergy and do not develop severe symptoms such as shortness of breath – in such cases, you must immediately call the ambulance! Even with inflamed…
Mumps (Parotitis epidemica) is an acute viral infection that typically swells the parotid glands laterally on the head or neck. Very often children get sick. But also mumps in adolescents and adults occurs. The disease can not be treated causally. But you can relieve the symptoms. In most cases, mumps heal by themselves without complications…
Sport with cold
A nasty scratching in the throat, the nose is running and still stands on a running unit – Sport in case of a cold, is that a problem? Since many people do not feel overly affected by the complaints, they ask themselves the question of whether you can do sports despite the cold. Depending on…