Kidney stones are crystallized components of urine that can form in the kidneys, renal pelvis, and urinary tract. Kidney stones cause pain only when they migrate into the ureter – severe cramping on the flanks, accompanied by nausea and vomiting (renal colic). About twice as many men as women develop kidney stones. The cause is…
bladder cancer
Bladder cancer (bladder cancer) is a disease in which the malignant tumor sits in the bladder. Why bladder cancer develops is still unclear. But the most important risk factor is smoking. Even those who have a lot of professional contact with certain chemicals are at risk. Men are much more affected by bladder cancer than…
Scoliosis symptoms
Many scoliosis symptoms do not occur until later in life, the extent of which depends on the strength of the spinal curvature. Only in a few cases does a scoliosis cause pain; slightly curved spines often do not appear at all. For many sufferers, scoliosis is a purely cosmetic problem. However, the longer a crooked…
multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS, encephalomyelitis disseminata) is a chronic inflammation of the nervous system. This nerve structures are destroyed, resulting in a variety of symptoms. The disease is not curable, but its progression can be alleviated with medication. Read more about the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis, its causes, symptoms and treatment. Multiple sclerosis: short overview Common…
plantar warts
Plantar warts (verrucae plantares, plantar warts) are warts on the sole of the foot, heel or between the toes. They are very painful and can even make walking impossible. From the outside they look quite small, but they usually reach deep into the subcutaneous tissue. Here you can read all important information about plantar warts:…
Acute kidney failure
As acute renal failure, doctors call a sudden decline in kidney function. Substances that should actually be excreted in the urine, thereby accumulate in the blood, which leads to symptoms of intoxication (urine poisoning). Acute kidney failure is often the result of operations or accidents. If it is not treated quickly, there is danger to…
Paget’s disease
Paget’s disease (Osteitis deformans, Osteodystrophia deformans) is a disease of the bones, with locally thickened and deformed bones. The cause of Paget’s disease is unknown; genetic factors and a viral infection could play a role. Since many sufferers show no symptoms, the disease is usually discovered late or not at all. Bisphosphonates are suitable drugs…
West Nile fever
West Nile fever is an infectious disease that is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Its pathogen, the West Nile virus, occurs in Africa, North America and southeastern Mediterranean countries. Often, the infection remains symptomless. Some patients suffer from flu-like symptoms. Severe courses are rare, but can be fatal. Read all about symptoms and treatment of…
Filariasis is a tropical disease that occasionally affects travelers. The cause of the disease is an infection with various types of roundworms (filaria), which are transmitted to humans through the bite of a mosquito or brake. Depending on the type of worm different groups of filarioses are distinguished, which also differ in terms of symptoms….
skier’s thumb
The ski thumb is the (partial) tear of the ulnar lateral ligament at the base of the thumb. Typically this is an acute sports injury leading to joint instability with pain and swelling. Depending on the type of ligament tear, surgery may be required. Read more about symptoms, diagnostics and therapy of the ski skin!…