Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges. Most commonly, it is triggered by viruses. Rare, but much more dangerous is a meningitis caused by bacteria. It needs to be treated as soon as possible! Bacterial meningitis can develop into a life-threatening emergency within just a few hours. Read all important information about meningitis: symptoms, causes,…
lung cancer
Lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma) is one of the most common cancers in Germany. The most important risk factor is smoking. Passive smoking can also lead to lung cancer. The malignant tumor can be treated in a variety of ways, including chemo and surgery. Nevertheless, lung cancer is rarely curable. Read all important information about lung…
Ballism is a rare movement disorder characterized by involuntary flinging movements. The cause is the damage to a nerve cell area in the midbrain. For treatment, medicines for epilepsy are used. Read all about symptoms, diagnostics and therapy of ballism here! Ballism: description The word ballism comes from the Greek and means “throw” or “hurl”….
A femoral hernia (femoral fracture, femoral hernia, femoral hernia) is a intestinal rupture, below the so-called inguinal ligament. The pain is often nonspecific and can radiate into the thigh. A femoral hernia is always operated because, for example, parts of the intestine can pinch. Read more about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of femoral hernia…
Jet lag
If you feel tired after a long flight, can not concentrate, or can not sleep, you may have jet lag. The reason: The rapid change of time zones temporarily disturbs the inner clock. With which tricks you can prevent, what you can do against jetlag and if you really have jetlag at all, read here….
HPV vaccination
The HPV vaccine (dirty: cervical cancer vaccine) is currently the most effective protection against infection with the major HPV types that can cause cervical cancer. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends the HPV vaccine for all girls and boys between nine and fourteen years of age prior to their first sexual activity. Find out more…
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Symptoms
When benign prostatic hyperplasia causes symptoms, it primarily affects urination as the urethra passes through the prostate gland. For example, an enlarged prostate can trigger symptoms such as a weak urinary stream, nocturnal urination, dribbling and residual urgency. Read more about the symptoms of a benign prostate enlargement here! Prostate enlargement: symptoms in general Increasing…
RS virus
RS virus (respiratory syncytial virus, RSV) triggers respiratory diseases. Especially infants are affected, but also adults can get sick. The symptoms can be harmless and resemble a simple cold. Severe courses can be fatal. In most cases, however, the disease heals by itself within a few days. Read all important information about the RS virus…
atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation is a very common cardiac arrhythmia in which the heart beats irregularly. It is the most common form of a disturbed heart rhythm – over six million people in Europe suffer from it. Sometimes those affected do not notice the atrial fibrillation. Others feel a “heart stumbling” or tachycardia. The risk for strokes…
flu shot
The flu shot is the most effective way to protect yourself from the flu. It is recommended to people who are at high risk of getting the flu. The flu vaccine is given every autumn. Most people tolerate it well. Read everything important about the flu shot. Influenza vaccination: General The flu shot protects against…