With a trigeminal neuralgia suddenly violent facial pains occur. They usually last only a few seconds, but can always return. The complaints start from the trigeminal nerve (Latin for trilling nerve). He provides over three branches face, forehead, eyes, chin, upper and lower jaw. When damaged, the nerve reports severe facial pain to the brain….
traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury (trauma = injury) is a collective term for head injuries that lead to a dysfunction or injury to the brain. It is usually caused by external violence, for example, as a result of traffic or sports accidents. Doctors distinguish different degrees of severity in traumatic brain injury (SHT for short). Find out…
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system. Patients suffer from progressive muscle paralysis. They have to rely on a wheelchair early, but later they also have difficulty swallowing, talking or breathing. In many cases ALS leads to death within a few years. But there are also people like…
tick bite
A tick bite (colloquially also tick bite) every man can get. But especially endangered are people who spend the summer in the forest or high grass. Ticks can transmit diseases through the sting. Therefore, you should remove the tick and watch the tick bite. Read all about the tick bite here. Tick bite: description A…
Fructose intolerance – symptoms
The most common fructose intolerance symptoms are bloating and diarrhea. However, they occur only in about half of all those affected. In addition, other digestive complaints may appear. In addition, there are diseases that occur as a consequence or concomitant with fructose malabsorption, for example, a vitamin deficiency or depression. Here you will learn all…
Cataract – surgery
One of the most common eye diseases in old age is cataracts. Surgery and post-treatment today allow nearly 90 percent of patients to regain between 50 and 100 percent of their original vision. As with the eye disease cataract surgery and post-treatment exactly expire, read here. Cataract: Operation Overview Cataract surgery is the most commonly…
Hammerzeh (hallux malleus, digitus malleus) refers to a deformity of a toe in which most of the middle limb is bent upwards and the end limb downwards. Mostly, this disease is not innate, but is favored by foot deformities. With a suitable footwear or a hammer toe operation, the malposition can be treated. Here you…
Sick sinus syndrome
In a sick sinus syndrome (sinus node syndrome, SSS) works the so-called sinus node in the heart incorrectly. He is actually responsible for the education and the speed of the heartbeat. In this rhythm disorder, the heart beats too slowly in succession, sometimes too fast in phases. Read all about the syndrome here. Sick sinus…
In the case of a sorbitol intolerance (sorbitol tolerance), the sugar alcohol sorbitol (sorbitol) in the small intestine can not be utilized or can only be used incompletely. Instead, it is metabolized by bacteria in the colon. This can cause abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. Read more about sorbitol tolerance: What is sorbitol? Where is…
A cruciate ligament op restores the normal biomechanics and stability of the knee joint weakened by a cruciate ligament tear. There are a variety of different surgical techniques. Which of them is used will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Read all important information about the cruciate ligament surgery here! Cruciate ligament op: General In…