Tooth decay is a process in which the tooth substance slowly degrades and finally a hole is created in the tooth. Among other things, the food and hygiene behaviors affect the development of tooth decay. Symptoms include discoloration of the teeth to severe pain. Without treatment, tooth decay continues on and on. Read all important…
meniscus tear
A meniscal tear (meniscal damage) is a violation of the menisci – the “shock absorber” in the knee. Incorrect stress during sports or age-related wear causes cracks in the annular fibrocartilages in the knee joint. Depending on the size of the damage caused by the meniscal tear, there are different treatment options – but not…
Lyme disease
Lyme disease is the umbrella term for a group of bacterial infectious diseases. Trigger are the Borrelia. Relapsing fever and Lyme disease belong mainly to this group. Often, however, the term Lyme disease is equated with Lyme disease: It is the only homeopathic disease in Europe by Borrelia. Here you will learn everything important to…
Vitreous opacity
Many people suffer from vitreous opacification. Affected then often report that they see black dots that seem to dance in front of the eye. The phenomenon is also called “Mouches volantes” (French for “flying flies”). A vitreous opacification is harmless, but disturbs the visual perception. After a while, the complaints often go away on their…
Gastrointestinal Influenza – home remedies
Many people want to use home remedies for a gastrointestinal flu. In fact, only rarely prescription drugs from the pharmacy are necessary in the disease. The targeted use of various home remedies for gastrointestinal flu or over-the-counter preparations can also alleviate the symptoms in many cases. Read here if and how a gastrointestinal flu home…
Miscarriage – signs and symptoms
The miscarriage signs depend on how and at what time of pregnancy it comes to abortion. Most common signs are sudden, severe vaginal bleeding. Also contractions or labor-like pain are miscarriage signs. Here you can read what you can tell about a threatened or already occurred miscarriage. Threatening abortion When threatened abortion (medically: Abortus imminens)…
Broken-Heart Syndrome
Broken Heart Syndrome (Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy) is a sudden onset of heart muscle disease triggered by major emotional stress. Affected persons have similar symptoms as in a heart attack with concomitant heart failure. In contrast to many other heart muscle diseases, this form heals completely in most patients after a few weeks. Read all about Broken…
The term “cardiomyopathy” stands for various diseases of the heart muscle. In all forms, the muscle tissue changes its structure and loses its efficiency. Those affected often have the symptoms of heart failure. In the worst case, heart muscle disease can even trigger a sudden cardiac death. Learn here about the different forms of cardiomyopathy,…
Legionnaires’ disease
Legionnaire’s disease (also called legionellosis) is a pneumonia caused by bacteria. This leads to high fever and flu-like symptoms. Legionnaire’s disease is prevalent worldwide and mainly affects immunocompromised adults who are infected by contaminated water systems. With antibiotic therapy many patients can be helped. Here you can read all important information about Legionnaire’s disease. Legionnaire’s…
athlete’s foot
Itching and dandruff on the feet are possible symptoms of athlete’s foot (tinea pedis or tinea pedum). This skin fungus disease of the feet is very contagious, but can be treated well. Without therapy, however, it can become chronic. Read more here: What causes athlete’s foot? What to do about the complaints? How does the…