In house dust allergy (house dust mite allergy), the immune system is hypersensitive to certain substances in the feces of dust mites. It comes to symptoms such as watery, itchy eyes, runny nose, cough and skin reactions. In the worst case, a house dust allergy causes respiratory distress and allergic asthma. Read all important information…
Category: posts
Fibula fracture and tibia fracture
A fibula fracture and tibia fracture can be caused by direct and indirect force on the lower leg. If both bones are broken at the same time, it is also called a lower leg fracture. Swelling, pain and bruising in the affected area indicate breakage. Find out more about the fibula fracture and tibia fracture…
short stature
From dwarfism (short stature, short stature) speak doctors, if the height of a person remains below the age-appropriate norms limits. The possible causes of dwarfism are numerous and often just a symptom of another underlying disease. Accordingly, there are also very different therapeutic approaches depending on the trigger. Here you can read the most important…
Renal Failure – Stages
Chronic renal insufficiency is characterized by a gradual deterioration of kidney function. Depending on the severity, physicians distinguish five stages of renal insufficiency. The criterion for classification is the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This laboratory value allows a statement about the extent of kidney damage: Usually, the kidneys excrete various degradation products of the metabolism,…
SIRS is the medical term for a severe inflammatory reaction of the body to an external influence. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome may be caused by pathogen toxins as well as serious injuries or burns. Due to the massive reaction, the body tries to ward off damage, but damages itself. Read here everything you need to…
Fracture: treatment
The fracture treatment depends on various factors such as the location, type and extent of the fracture as well as possible accompanying injuries. In principle, a bone fracture can be treated conservatively (for example with a plaster cast) and surgically. Everything important to the possibilities of fracture treatment and the complications that can occur, read…
Bronchiectasis is a saccular enlargement of the bronchi in the lungs that can not regress. Bronchiectasis may have both congenital and acquired causes. Typical for bronchiectasis is a strong cough with a lot of mucous expectoration. If left untreated, bronchiectasis can lead to severe damage to the lungs. Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment…
Kidney cancer – symptoms
Kidney cancer symptoms are not obvious in most cases. The first signs of a malignant kidney tumor may be blood in the urine and flank or back pain. Often a disease runs for a long time without any symptoms. Kidney cancer is therefore often discovered only by accident. Read here for signs of kidney cancer….
pyloric stenosis
The pyloric stenosis (gastric spasm) is a congenital constriction of the stomach outlet, in which the chyme can not leave the stomach. It affects mainly boys in the third to eighth week of life. A typical sign of pyloric stenosis is that a child vomits shortly after the meal. A pyloric stenosis is treated in…
Chinese restaurant syndrome
The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is a kind of pseudoallergic reaction that some people experience after eating Chinese food. These include, for example, weakness, headaches or tachycardia. For a long time, monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer, was the culprit – but this has not been scientifically proven. Learn here what is behind the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome….