High blood pressure is typical for pregnancy poisoning. Symptoms that also occur depend on the type of pregnancy poisoning. Signs such as protein in the urine can be seen in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. The latter is also accompanied by seizures that are life-threatening. Find out everything important about pregnancy poisoning and symptoms here!

Pregnancy poisoning: symptoms vary
Pregnancy poisoning is a colloquial term for various disorders caused by the pregnancy. Such a pregnancy disorder is called gestosis. Symptoms vary depending on the exact nature of the condition, aside from increased blood pressure. It is a typical sign of all forms of pregnancy poisoning.
Pregnancy poisoning: Symptoms of preeclampsia
Pre-eclampsia in pregnant women generally causes high blood pressure (over 140/90 mmHg) and the appearance of protein in the urine (proteinuria). If there is no proteinuria, pre-eclampsia may persist if the following additional signs of pregnancy poisoning are present:
- Water retention in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
- Disorders of the nervous system such as blurred vision
- impaired kidney function
- Growth retardation in the unborn child
Severe preeclampsia is present with the following symptoms:
- Blood pressure over 160/100 mmHg
- Decrease in the amount of urine due to damage to the kidneys
- Upper abdominal pain on the right side due to damage to the liver
- greatly reduced number of platelets
- severe headache and blurred vision
Pregnancy poisoning: symptoms of eclampsia
The signs of gestosis in eclampsia are the same as in preeclampsia and an additional tonic-clonic seizure. It must be distinguished whether it occurred in the context of pregnancy poisoning or if the patient has epilepsy. The word “tonic” describes an increased tension of the muscles during the attack. The term “clonic” describes rhythmic, involuntary muscle twitches. A tonic-clonic seizure usually begins with a brief tonic phase in which the patients have wide-open eyes and scream. This is followed by the clonic phase with muscle twitches. Such a seizure can be life-threatening.
Pregnancy Poisoning: Symptoms of HELLP Syndrome
HELLP syndrome usually develops from severe preeclampsia. The abbreviation “HELLP” stands for the following gestosis symptoms:
- Hämolyse (dissolution of red blood cells)
- enhanced Leberenzymes (transaminases)
- reduced number of platelets (from English: low platelets)
The HELLP syndrome is based on a disorder of liver function, which usually manifests itself in the form of severe right upper abdominal pain or pain behind the sternum. The disease can be both episodic and continuous, spontaneously improving or worsening. Frequently affected women develop a so-called consumption coagulopathy. The coagulation of the blood is so strongly activated that after a certain time a lot of platelets and coagulation factors are used up. The smallest injuries to the blood vessels can then no longer be repaired – life-threatening bleeding occurs. Above all, the risk of cerebral hemorrhage is great, especially as the blood pressure is increased with each pregnancy poisoning. In addition to consumption coagulopathy, HELLP syndrome can also result in early placental abruption, kidney failure, and a rupture of the liver.
Pregnancy poisoning: take symptoms seriously
Both the expectant mother and the unborn child are in danger at one Eclampsia. symptoms, which may indicate a Gestose should therefore be taken seriously!