Obesity permagna (lat. Permagnus = huge, very large) means the most severe form of obesity. People with obesity permagna are severely overweight and have serious health consequences if the disease persists for a long time and they do not achieve weight normalization. Read here everything important for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity permagna.

What is obesity permagna?
Obesity is medically divided into different degrees of severity. The classification is based on the so-called Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on this unit of measurement, the weight of a person can be roughly classified. To calculate the BMI, divide the body weight in kilograms by the squared height in meters: BMI = weight [kg] / (height [m])2
Normal weight exists at a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg / m2, In adults, from a BMI of more than 40 kg / m², obesity permagna or even adiposity grade 3 is used. BMI alone, however, does not allow a sufficiently accurate assessment of how severe the secondary diseases of obesity can be. From a BMI of more than 30kg / m², some people suffer from severe restrictions and complications. In addition, it is not only the extent of the overweight that plays a role, but also how long the overall overweight exists. The longer a person is overweight, the harder the physical and psychological consequences.
Why is obesity permagna also referred to as morbid obesity?
Obesity permagna is also referred to as morbid obesity (lat. Morbidus “ill”), because this form of excess weight can lead to a variety of diseases and thus significantly reduces life expectancy in many cases. Common complications of adiposity permagna include diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus), high blood pressure, joint wear and even cancer.
Another problem of obesity permagna is the fact that sufferers often can no longer perform their profession. Physical activities become insurmountable torments. Even sitting in an office chair can be made impossible by aching joints. People with a permafna obesity often also receive low esteem from their environment. Many people hardly dare to leave the house, where they would be exposed to the judgmental glances of other people. This social isolation often exacerbates the physical and emotional problems drastically.
The number of overweight people is increasing
Overall, the number of people with obesity in Germany and also worldwide is growing strongly. In particular, the number of people with a very strong overweight (obesity permagna) is increasing. Experts estimate that in Germany already about two million people suffer from obesity permagna. Above all, it is worrying that more and more children and adolescents are already affected by morbid obesity.
The causes of obesity permagna
As with the other forms of obesity, there are a number of different causes of morbid obesity. Obesity grade 3 is mainly caused by a high-fat diet in combination with too little exercise. However, this does not automatically mean that obese people blame themselves for their disease: in the meantime, several genes have been identified that lead to excessive appetite. The genes also seem to have a whole series of other effects: For example, leaner people have a relatively higher basal metabolic rate. This means that they burn more calories in peace and thus are better protected against obesity.
Often people with adiposity permagna are also involved in nutritional and lifestyle habits that have been learned wrongly in childhood: children orientate themselves to the eating habits of their own parents and, in the first place, also eat those foods that their parents have planned for meals. The parents also have an exemplary role in sports activities.
An important factor for the manifestation of obesity permagna seems to be at what age a child or adolescent is already overweight. The younger and more pronounced the overweight, the greater the probability that eventually a BMI of> 40 kg / m2 is reached. Many people with obesity permagna have a veritable “obesity career” behind them. Over time, they keep on increasing. Difficulties in life (bereavement, failures, etc.) can be crucial cuts, leading to an ever-increasing weight gain.
Treatment of obesity permagna
Diets often achieve short-term success in Grade 3 obesity. Many sufferers regain their weight after the diet relatively quickly. Therefore, the best prospects for a permanent weight reduction in a morbid obesity most likely intensive rehabilitative and surgical procedures: With the help of a gastric band, gastric tube or gastric bypass of the stomach is changed so that those affected lose a lot of weight within a short time.