Pseudo-croup (Pseudo-Krupp) is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, especially affecting babies and toddlers. Characteristic is the so-called Krupphusten, an attack-like cough, which may be associated with shortness of breath and other symptoms. Mostly pseudo-croup heals by itself. He rarely needs treatment in the hospital. Read here: What are the symptoms of pseudo-croup? What is to be done during a seizure? What is the treatment and prognosis?

Quick Tour
- What is pseudo-group? Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (larynx and trachea). Above all, children up to the age of five, rarely adults, are affected. Not to be confused with real Krupp (life-threatening inflammation of the epiglottis in the course of a diphtheria).
- symptoms: Seizure-like, dry, barking cough. Sometimes also shortness of breath (in severe cases with bluish discolored lips, fast pulse, anxiety etc.). Other possible symptoms include fever, hoarseness, wheezing (inspiratory stridor), weakness, general malaise.
- Causes and risk factors: Cause are usually cold viruses (such as Parainfluenza, RS, rhino, adeno and metapneumo viruses) and very rarely bacteria. Beneficial factors: cold winter air, air pollution, cigarette smoke, existing allergies.
- infection: Droplet infection via the saliva due to sneezing, coughing, talking. Touching infected items.
- Treatment: Cortisone suppositories, antipyretic means; in severe respiratory distress treatment in the hospital (with cortisone, adrenaline, possibly oxygenation).
- What is to be done during a seizure? Add cool air and cool drinks. Keep calm and calm those affected. In severe attacks with acute respiratory distress immediately call the ambulance.
- Forecast: Pseudo-Croup usually heals by itself within a few days. Healing can be helped by avoiding favoring factors such as dry air and cigarette smoke. Very rarely complications occur (pneumonia, otitis media).
Pseudokrupp: description
Pseudokrupp (Krupphusten) is an acute infection of the larynx above the glottis and the trachea. It is usually different cold viruses triggered. The germs affect the upper respiratory tract, which causes the mucous membranes in the throat, nose and throat to swell considerably and narrows the airways. There are also muscle cramps (spasms) in the lower larynx exit and upper trachea area.
All this leads to the main symptom of the pseudo group: the attacking, dry, barking cough, He may be accompanied by further complaints. for example, dyspnea, hoarseness, fever, runny nose and general malaise.
Most pseudo-croup diseases occur in the Autumn and winter months on. Are affected mostly children between 1 and 5 years – boys a little more often than girls. Most children get a cramping puff once or twice in their lives. Occasionally, the pseudo-group in children occurs more often or even beyond the typical age period. Often these are children who tend to have asthma.
Pseudo-squat in adults is very rare.

Physicians also refer to pseudo-squat as stenosing laryngotracheitis, laryngitis subglottica, or laryngotracheobronchitis.
Pseudokrupp is not the same as Krupp
Pseudokrupp and Krupp are not the same. The “real” Krupp is a potentially life-threatening laryngitis in the context of a diphtheria reaction. However, this infection has become so rare thanks to nationwide vaccinations that the term “Krupp” is colloquially used as a synonym for Pseudokrupp.
Pseudo-group seizure: what to do?
A pseudo-group attack can occur quite suddenly and be very violent. An attack is favored by dry (heating) air and breathing through the mouth, which is especially common in children with respiratory infections. Both result in the mucous membranes additionally swelling. In addition, the risk of a pseudo-group seizure is especially high at night, when the body produces less anti-inflammatory cortisol.
First aid in a pseudo-group attack
Cold causes the respiratory tract to decongest and the attack to subside. Therefore, you or your child should do the following during an acute Krupp attack:
- Breathe in cool air, at the open window or outside on the balcony or in the garden.
- Take cool drinks.
- Calm yourself or your child because anxiety aggravates the symptoms.
In light pseudo-squat, these measures are often sufficient to stop a seizure.
In a severe pseudo-squamous attack, the typical coughing attack is accompanied by signs of hypoxia (pale skin, bluish lips, dyspnoea, tachycardia, anxiety, etc.). Then immediately call the ambulance at 112!
For a long time, the recommendation applied to an actual pseudo-squad attack moist air to inhale (humidifying air, for example, using nebulisers, humidifiers or damp towels). However, it is not scientifically proven that this helps.
Pseudokrupp: symptoms
Classic symptom of Pseudokrupp is a dry, barking cough (croup), of the usually at night occurs. This nocturnal accumulation is probably due to the fact that the cortisol level in the body between 24 o’clock and four o’clock sinks to his lowest point. The effect of the anti-inflammatory hormone is therefore lowest in this phase.
Also at night, many children with pseudo-group suffer from acute difficulty in breathing, The shortness of breath can also slowly increase during the day. In case of very severe shortness of breath, the body is no longer sufficiently supplied with oxygen. This can be recognized, for example, by the fact that the pulse accelerates (tachycardia) and the affected person breathes quickly and strenuously (with marked lifting and lowering of the ribcage and swollen nostrils). It can also form small pits (recoveries) in the rib gaps. As oxygen deficiency increases, fingertips and lips turn blue (cyanosis). Those affected feel anxiety and restlessness, which increases the acute symptoms.
The pseudo-squamous symptoms are similar to those of the epiglottis (epiglottitis). The latter can quickly become life-threatening. Therefore, at the first sign of respiratory distress, you should seek immediate medical attention from yourself or your child.
Other symptoms of Pseudokrupp are:
- fever
- hoarseness
- Difficulty breathing in with whistling or “squeaky” breathing sounds (inspiratory stridor)
- general malaise
- weakness
Since pseudo-croup usually develops as a result of a cold, the common cold and cough in the early stages of infection are also counted as symptoms of pseudo-croup.
Pseudokrupp in adults
Adults suffer significantly less from these pseudo-squamous symptoms than children. Shortness of breath and bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis) almost never occur. However, dry and barking crustaceans with particularly severe seizures at night as well as hoarseness and fatigue are also typical in adult patients.
Croup stadiums
Based on the symptoms pseudo-group can be divided into four degrees of severity (stages):
- 1st stage: Typical barking pseudo-cough cough, hoarse voice
- 2nd stage: Breathing sounds during inhalation, retraction of the chest during inhalation
- 3rd stage: Breathlessness, increased pulse rate, anxiety, pale complexion
- 4th stage: Severe shortness of breath, shallow and fast pulse, breathing sounds during inhalation and exhalation, blue discoloration of the skin, impaired consciousness
Pseudokrupp: causes and risk factors
Pseudokrupp becomes mostly from cold viruses triggered. This includes:
- Parainfluenza viruses
- Influenza (type A or B) viruses
- RS, rhino, adeno and metapneumo viruses
More rarely, measles, chickenpox, herpes simplex and Epstein-Barr viruses are responsible for the disease.
As a result of the virus attack of the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose and throat, the vocal cords swell below the larynx. In addition, more mucus can accumulate in the bronchi. This causes symptoms such as hoarseness and shortness of breath.
In babies and toddlers, the airways are still very tight. Therefore, even a small additional constriction can be life-threatening. Therefore, if you suspect pseudo-squirrels, seek immediate attention from your doctor or pediatrician.
The pseudo-squamous symptoms may be aggravated by several factors. These include cold winter air, air pollution and cigarette smoke. In addition, existing allergies have a beneficial effect.
Sometimes a pseudo-squad can do it too bacterial condition be. Thus, an infection with the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus or pneumococcal pseudo-group can trigger. Also allergies can cause the typical barking krupphsten. One speaks then of Spastic Krupphusten.
Pseudokrupp: infection
Pseudo-croup is contagious: Patients distribute coughing, talking and sneezing tiny droplets of saliva in the area that are infected with the triggering viruses. Other people can inhale these infectious saliva droplets and then fall ill themselves (droplet infection).
Contagion is also possible if a healthy person uses glasses, cutlery, handkerchiefs, etc. that are infected with the infectious saliva of a patient.
Tip: Pay close attention to hygiene with pseudo-squads and keep your sick child away from other children if possible.
Pseudokrupp: examinations and diagnosis
A doctor can usually recognize pseudo-squat by the typical coughing and whistling sounds of inhalation. In addition, he asks more specifically about the complaints to the To raise medical history (Anamnese). Possible questions are:
- How long has the cough been?
- How often do the coughing fits occur?
- Are there any other symptoms?
- Is there also shortness of breath?
The doctor then uses a point system (Westley score) to determine the severity of the disease: the symptoms include respiratory distress (stridor), skin retraction, respiratory distress, blueing of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis), and impairment of consciousness. In total, this results mild, moderate or severe pseudo-group, The severe form is characterized by acute respiratory distress, which must be treated in hospital. It is rare.
Finally, it is still necessary to distinguish the supposed pseudo-group from epiglottis (Epiglottis). This condition is similar to the pseudo-group, but can be life-threatening. To clarify the doctor examines the patient’s throat: The tongue is pressed down with a small spatula, so that the physician has a clear view. The examination does not take long and is absolutely painless.
Very rarely, it is necessary to have one blood sample or one throat swab in the laboratory for a bacterial infection.
The X-ray of the chest (chest X-ray) is usually not necessary, but can help with unclear diagnosis.
Pseudokrupp: treatment
Pseudo-croup usually runs only lightly and can then be treated at home. The patient should sleep with the window open if possible. Factors that favor a pseudo-group attack should be avoided (for example, tobacco smoke in the air). Help against the inflammatory swollen mucous membranes of the respiratory tract Cortisone suppositories, They prevent a shortness of breath. If necessary can also be antipyretic drug be given with paracetamol or ibuprofen. What you should do in an acute pseudo-group seizure, read above.
If the doctor has diagnosed a moderate or severe pseudo-group, especially children are basically in the hospital treated. Thus, in case of emergency (severe acute respiratory distress) professional help is available quickly. Adults usually only suffer from mild pseudoproparation, which is why they rarely need to be hospitalized.
Pseudokrupp treatment at the hospital uses drugs containing epinepine, epinephrine and cortisone. The active ingredients allow the mucous membranes to decongest. In severe respiratory distress with acute lack of oxygen, oxygen is over oxygen mask supplied or – in extremely rare cases – after a tracheotomy via a small tube (intubation). If necessary, those affected also receive a sedative in an acute attack.
Pseudokrupp: Homeopathy
Some parenting counselors recommend treating pseudo-squatter with homeopathic remedies themselves. To be considered as a means of choice Aconitum napellus in the beginning, for the night Spongia tosta and to prevent a seizure in the morning Hepar Sulfuris such as aconite or belladonna, However, the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has not been fully scientifically proven. But these substances probably can not harm. Mostly they help to stay calm during a pseudo-group attack. With a light course, this can be enough to control the acute symptoms. In case of a pseudo-group attack with severe respiratory distress, you must immediately call the ambulance!
Pseudokrupp: Disease course and prognosis
Most cases of pseudo-squad belong to level one and heal by themselves. Very rarely, complications such as otitis media (otitis media) or pneumonia develop.
Pseudo group: duration
Pseudo-squat generally lasts between two days and two weeks, depending on the general health of the person affected. Rarely occur repeatedly over a longer period of time croupAccidents on.
Additional information
- Guideline “Stenosing Laryngotracheitis (Krupp) and Epiglottitis” of the Society for Pediatric Pulmonology (2006)