Windelsoor is an infection with the yeast fungus Candida albicans, which is common in babies. The fungus proliferates in the diaper area and causes a red rash that is often accompanied by pustules and dandruff. Most of the baby’s butt and genitals are affected, sometimes thighs, abdomen and back. Read here how you recognize Windelsoor and how you can treat it.

Windelsoor: description
Windelsoor is a specific form of diaper dermatitis, so a dermatitis in the diaper area in babies. It goes back to an infection with Candida albicans, a common yeast. Therefore one sometimes speaks of a diaper fungus or – more generally – of a candidosis. Candida albicans can infect other areas of the body in babies and adults, such as the oral mucous membranes, moist skin folds such as groins, anal folds or the armpits, intestines and esophagus, in some cases other internal organs. However, this is much rarer than Windelsoor.
Windelsoor is widely used in all countries where babies are usually wound. Infants are particularly likely to be affected during the first twelve months of life. Almost every baby has a sore butt, and here the diaper fungus spreads very quickly. But not only infants can fall ill – also in adult persons, who carry a diaper for reasons of incontinence, can spread a diaper fungus. The most important therapy measure is to keep the nappy area as clean and dry as possible.
Windelsoor: symptoms
At Windelsoor the baby first shows typical symptoms of diaper dermatitis. Usually, the infection begins with a slight redness in the area of the anus, which subsequently turns deep red and spreads over the genitals to over the entire diaper area. In some cases, diaper fungus also affects the thighs and lower back and abdominal area.
A feature of Windelsoor are red, sometimes white-fringed bubbles and pustules, which partially merge into red areas. In addition, the skin often forms a whitish, scaly wreath on the edges of the rash. Unlike a candidal infestation of the mucous membranes is usually found in a Windelsoor but no white coverings.
For the baby, the diaper fungus means itching and pain, which may make it restless and often cry, especially when cleaning and when it dries. The fungus can also be transmitted to other parts of the body, for example to the mouth, via the hands. Therefore, oral thrush and diaper thrush often occurs together in infants.
Windelsoor: causes and risk factors
The cause of Windelsoor is Candida albicans, a yeast fungus that is also known as Soil fungus. This pathogen is widespread: in most healthy people, candida fungi can be detected, especially in the intestine, in the mouth and throat, on the fingers and on the genitals. Here, the fungi usually settle without causing symptoms. Their multiplication keeps the body’s immune system in check.
Under certain conditions, the candida fungus begins to proliferate. This is called an opportunistic infection, the pathogen uses a chance it offers. For babies with diaper scurf, this happens on the one hand because they do not yet have a fully developed immune system. On the other hand, the skin in the diaper area is often attacked anyway, which facilitates a fungal infection. The moist, warm, often stool and urine enriched milieu in the diaper softens the skin and makes it more susceptible to friction and irritation. The previously damaged skin provides an ideal attack surface for bacteria such as fungi – and thus also for diaper-sorrel.
Candida albicans can reach the baby’s buttocks in different ways – either from the outside over the hands of the parents, the changing mat or the diaper itself. In some cases, the fungus already settles unnoticed in the baby’s intestine and eventually develops into diaper thrush, though he multiplies in the sore anal area.
Windelsoor: investigations and diagnosis
The diagnosis Windelsoor usually represents the pediatrician. He asks the caregivers of the baby, since when the redness exists and how it started. He also wants to know if the baby has any other symptoms, such as drinking problems.
The most important indication for the diagnosis Windelsoor gives the doctor the characteristic skin appearance with red rash, merging pustules and scaly edges. On the basis of the shape of the rash, he can often already distinguish whether it is a mere skin irritation by the diaper (typical W-shape), whether the infection is primarily caused by bacteria (wet skin redness and blisters) or if there is a diaper fungus.
In case of suspected diaper sclerosis, the doctor also examines other body parts of the baby – especially the oral mucosa – to check whether the fungus has settled there.
The mushroom certificate proves the diagnosis Windelsoor
But with the eye, the diagnosis is often difficult to make, as the different rashes can look very similar. In addition, bacteria and diarrhea are often involved in the infection. In that case, the doctor will take a swab from an inflamed skin site, which will then be examined for candida fungi and bacterial pathogens. Sometimes a stool sample makes sense for the diagnosis. If a large number of fungi can be detected in the stool, this is an indication that strong fungus colonization in the baby’s intestine triggers the diaper thrush.
Windelsoor: treatment
For the treatment of diaper sclerosis, the doctor usually prescribes one or more skin pastes for the baby. A soft zinc paste protects the skin and helps with wound healing. Directly against the pathogens act antifungals, so-called antimycotics. These active ingredients – usually clotrimazole or miconazole – are also applied as a paste to the affected areas in diaper sooor.
In case of severe inflammation, the doctor may prescribe a paste with hydrocortisone at short notice. In addition, if thrush in the oral or intestinal area, the baby also gets an antifungal (usually nystatin) as a gel or solution for swallowing.
What you can do at Windelsoor
However, the most important therapy for Windelsoor is to keep the nappy area as clean and dry as possible so that the inflammation subsides and heals the skin. The following tips are helpful:
- Change the diapers in the shortest possible intervals. It is ideal in Windelsoor, when the baby in between times no diaper wearing.
- Use particularly absorbent and breathable disposable diapers or cotton diapers. The latter should be boiled down after each use.
- When changing diapers, wash baby’s skin with lukewarm water and then gently, but carefully dry, e.g. with a cloth or a hair dryer on a lukewarm level. Then apply the paste before “wrapping” the baby again.
- Use a fresh layer on the changing table each time you wind it up and then wash your hands carefully.
- Mild and anti-inflammatory baths can be good for the child’s skin in diaper scurf, for example oat, wheat bran and oil baths.
Windelsoor: Prevent
A safe prevention is not possible with Windelsoor. However, you can reduce the likelihood that your child suffers from diaper fungus with various hygiene measures. It is especially important to change the diaper frequently – especially if the child has diarrhea – and to cleanse and dry the skin thoroughly but gently with each diaper change. Moisture favors diaper thrush and other infections. Dry dabbing and blow-drying is gentler than dry rubbing. Hot soaps attack the skin’s natural protective coating, and some babies also experience baby skin irritation.
Windelsoor: Disease course and prognosis
It is important to treat Windelsoor immediately, otherwise the inflammation can spread more and more. This makes therapy increasingly difficult. But if you react quickly and consistently perform a treatment, you get diaper thrush quickly under control.