Home remedies for cold and flu are many. For example, herbal teas, wraps and inhalations are good for relieving the symptoms, if not fighting the cause. Onions and chicken broth are also popular cold home remedies. Read more here about simple means and measures, with which you can quickly get rid of a cold or at least alleviate it!

Tea for a cold
One of the best cold remedies is to drink a lot (at least two liters a day), preferably warm drinks such as herbal tea. This does well to irritated, painful mucous membranes and liquefies the secretions in the bronchi and nose.
But which tea is best for a cold? The answer to this question depends on what symptoms you want to alleviate.
Throat and pharyngitis
For throat and throat infections, tea preparations made of ribwort, marshmallow and / or mallow are good tips.
Cold with a dry cough
For colds with cough these medicinal plants are also suitable – if one cough (ie dry cough without sputum) She plagues. Among other things, all three contain mucilage that attaches to the irritated mucous membrane and thus have an irritant and analgesic effect. The same applies to the mullein, which is also one of the herbal home remedies for cold and flu with cough.
Cold with mucous cough
And what helps against cold mucus cough (productive cough)? In such cases, a tea with licorice, cowslip (primrose) or thyme is recommended. The first two medicinal plants contain saponins, which facilitate coughing.
The healing effect of thyme is based primarily on the contained essential oil: It relieves cough cramps and activates the cilia in the bronchi. These are responsible for the removal of mucus.
Cold with a cold
But the throat and bronchi are usually not the only affected areas with a cold: what to do if about one runny noses the mood spoils? Here, too, you can grab thyme tea, for example. Its mucus-promoting effect helps to clear the nose quickly.
Also suitable are chamomile (anti-inflammatory) and peppermint (supports the swelling of the nasal mucosa). Even teas from lime blossom and elderflower are effective home remedies for colds and runny nose. Both medicinal plants are known for their sweaty, expectorant or expectorant properties.
Ginger against cold
Folk medicine also relies on the healing powers of ginger in case of cold or flu. The Asian medicinal plant contains valuable essential oil and pungent substances. These ingredients are attributed, inter alia, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. For this reason, the medicine recommends ginger for cough and sore throat, for example as a tea.
Zinc for a cold
Quick help with cold, many people hope for zinc. The body needs the trace element for an optimally functioning immune system. For this reason, zinc should help with a cold. Whether this is really so, scientists wanted to find out by evaluating several studies.
The result: There is indeed evidence that taking zinc may shorten the duration of cold symptoms in otherwise healthy people if they start taking it within 24 hours of the onset of the first symptoms. For this, apparently a high dose of at least 75 milligrams of zinc per day (as a lozenge) is needed.
Caution – too much zinc can harm!
As good as this result sounds – it is not a clear recommendation to take zinc for a cold! In such a high dosage zinc can produce various side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bad taste in the mouth. High zinc and low copper intake can also lead to anemia (anemia). In addition, taking zinc with certain medicines or foods may cause undesirable interactions.
So too much zinc is definitely not advisable. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has therefore set a tolerable total daily intake. Accordingly, adults should not consume more than 25 milligrams of zinc per day. There are even fewer children and adolescents; in detail, here the tolerable total amount of supply depends on the body weight.
For zinc preparations consult with the family doctor
The normal diet usually gives the body enough zinc to meet its daily needs anyway. If you also want to take a (high-dose) preparation with zinc for a cold, you should first consult the family doctor.
Pregnant and lactating women should discuss any zinc intake (regardless of dosage) with the doctor first. Children and adolescents up to the age of 17 are generally advised not to take zinc-containing food supplements.
Inhale with cold and flu
Inhaling is a proven home remedy for cold. In the simplest version you use for it pure hot water: Put the pot or bowl of hot water on the table, sit in front of it and keep your head over it. Place a towel over your head and bowl so that the fumes can not escape. Now inhale for 10 to 20 minutes. That is, you let the rising steam with deep breaths through the nose and mouth into the respiratory tract. This cleanses the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and stimulates their blood circulation. This will make it easier to get rid of persistent mucus in the nose and bronchi and allow you to breathe again.
For an additional disinfecting effect you give common salt in the hot water (one tablespoon of salt per liter of water).
Alternatively you can with medicinal herbs inhale. In the case of a cold, for example, the addition of thyme or chamomile is suitable. You can also combine the healing power of different herbs. For example, for coughing and congested respiratory tract inhalation with 30 grams of chamomile flowers and thyme herb and 40 grams of oregano leaves (per liter of hot water) is recommended. You can repeat this steam bath in case of a cold three times a day.
After inhaling, wash the face off with lukewarm water and dry, do not go outside and avoid drafts. It is best to rest in a well-covered position for a while after inhaling.
Inhale with essential oils
Instead of some medicinal plants, the isolated from it essential oil for inhalation of cold. For example, adults may give a drop of peppermint or cypress oil into the hot water when they have a cold.
In children, the use of essential oils should always be discussed first with an experienced doctor, naturopath or aromatherapist. Some oils are not suitable for children and sometimes even very dangerous!
For inflammatory skin diseases, eye problems, very low blood pressure or other circulatory disorders, you should refrain from inhalation!
Warm baths for a cold can be helpful in many ways: If mild body aches and general discomfort plague those affected, the warmth of the bath water alone can be soothing and relaxing.
Adding herbal supplements to the water strengthens and supplements the beneficial effects. For example, medicinal plants can have a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and / or decongestant action on the nasal mucous membranes.
Slowly increase the temperature
The bathing temperature should be initially at 35 to 36 degrees Celsius. If you like it and like it, you can then slowly raise the temperature to 38-40 degrees by running hot water through it. In children, the bathwater should generally be only 36 to 37 degrees warm.
The recommended Bath time is 10 to 20 minutes for adults and 10 to 15 minutes for children. If you feel unwell, you should get out of the tub immediately! After the bath you should rest for at least 30 minutes while warm in the bed.
Additives in the cold bath
You can get a ready cold bath in pharmacies or drugstores. Many of these products include, for example, thyme, eucalyptus and / or mountain pine oil. Who wants to make his cold bath himself, can also resort to essential oils or use an infusion of medicinal herbs.
For example, you can use the healing power of spruce for a cold bath. This has mucus and circulation-promoting as well as slightly anti-inflammatory properties. For a full bath you can either make an infusion of spruce shoots and put them into the bath water or use the spruce needle oil directly. How to make an extract and how the bathroom works, read in the post spruce.
In adults, an essential oil blend of ten drops of cypress and five drops of peppermint, niaouli and cardamom are suitable for a hot bath for a cold with head cold or cold. Add 10 drops of this mixture to a cup of milk and then pour it into the bathwater. The milk serves as an emulsifier – it ensures that the essential oils distribute well in the water. Other suitable emulsifiers are cream, whey, bran, honey and sea salt.
Cold bath: babies & children
For a finished children’s cold bath, the package leaflet says at what age it can be used. This depends mainly on the contained essential oils. For example, baths containing menthol and camphor (ingredients of various essential oils) are only allowed for older children – in babies and small children they can cause respiratory tract respiratory problems and shortness of breath.
Note: If you would like to use essential oils for a homemade cold bath in children, you should first consult a specialist (for example, experienced physician, naturopath, aromatherapist) for advice. This is especially true for a cold bath for babies and toddlers.
When a cold bath is not advisable
When is a cold bath not suitable? Is bathing dangerous in case of fever? Is a cold bath allowed during pregnancy? Are there any other situations in which a cold bath is not recommended? Here are the answers to these questions:
A cold bath with fever is not a good idea. The hot water adds to the circulation and can do more harm than good.
Even with the following illnesses you should do without a cold bath or discuss the application in advance with your doctor:
- high blood pressure
- Heart failure (heart failure)
- skin lesions
- skin diseases
- hypersensitive respiratory tract (as in asthma)
Of course, if you know that you are hypersensitive or allergic to certain medicinal or essential oils, you must not use them (or otherwise use them) in the bathwater.
Cold bath in pregnancy
And what about a cold bath during pregnancy? In principle, expectant mothers may take a hot bath, if there are no signs of premature rupture or premature labor pains. Warm water can increase premature as well as real contractions (on the other hand, false swells tend to diminish when bathing).
However, care should be taken when the bath water contains essential oils. Some oils are strongly discouraged during pregnancy! Therefore, first ask your midwife, the doctor or pharmacist which essential oils you can add to the bathwater in which dosage. In a finished cold bath is in the leaflet, if it is also suitable for pregnant women.
Onion for cold
The onion contains various germ and anti-inflammatory agents (such as alliin). This makes them a good home remedy for colds.
onion bag
What helps against colds with earache? For example, a warm onion bag, which is placed on the aching ear – it can counteract inflammatory processes in the ear (ear canal inflammation, otitis media) and also relieve pain.
As you make and apply the onion compress, read in the article onion sachet.
An ear canal or middle ear infection should always be treated by a doctor. Home remedies such as onion bags are only intended as a support for the therapy.
Onion syrup
Another home remedy for cold is onion syrup. It has an antibacterial, expectorant and expectorant effect.
To prepare onion syrup: Peel 1 large or 2 small onions, cut into small cubes and put together with 2 tablespoons of sugar in a clean glass. Close, shake and let stand for two hours. It forms during this time a kind of juice (syrup). From this adult can take two teaspoons three times a day and children three to six times a day half a teaspoon.
Alternatively, a second onion syrup recipe: 1 small onion cut, boil with 1 cup of water and then allowed to cool. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and drain the onion after half an hour. From this syrup you can take a tablespoon three times a day.
Children under one year are not allowed to eat honey. If stored improperly, bacteria can accumulate which can be life-threatening for children.
Diet for a cold
Make sure that you eat balanced and varied – in cold as well as in healthy times. According to the German Nutrition Society, these include at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit per day.
Vitamins and minerals: Carrots, broccoli, apples & Co., as well as potatoes and cereals, provide plenty of vitamins and minerals. It needs our immune system to work efficiently and fight infection like a cold.
roughageIn addition, there are plenty of fibers in the plant foods that ensure healthy digestion. This is important, because the gut is bad, weakens the immune system.
sulfides: A good support for the body’s defense are some phytochemicals: For example, provide garlic, onions, leeks and chives so-called sulfides. These compounds can inhibit the growth of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi).
flavonoids: Flavonoids have the same effect: they are found as yellow, purple and blue colors in foods such as apples, grapes, berries, kale and black and green tea.
Chicken soup with cold
What to do if you have a cold, if you are willing to eat healthy but have no appetite? Then the well-tried chicken broth is recommended – a light meal with a big impact: According to studies, a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup can help to clear a stuffy nose and relieve cold symptoms. This is reported by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.
For the effectiveness of the well-known home remedy for cold there are several reasons:
Heat and liquid: The soup provides plenty of fluids and is pleasantly warm. This is good if you feel ill and are struggling with a cold nose and sore throat.
Inhalation: If you keep your face above the rising vapor of the hot broth, it’s kind of an inhalation. The steam helps to open the respiratory tract and also has a slightly anti-inflammatory effect.
Salt promotes appetite: The salt and other spices enhance the taste of the chicken soup. This is especially advantageous if you have little taste for cold and also have little appetite.
Total care: The chicken meat provides the body with protein, vitamins and minerals – all substances that support our immune system. In addition, chicken is a good source of tryptophan. Our body needs this protein building block (amino acid) to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin – the “feel-good hormone” is especially welcome when the cold brings the mood and well-being into the cellar.
Vitamins and more: The good effect of the chicken soup on cold is also based on the attached fresh vegetables: carrots, onions, celery & Co. also provide valuable vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.
Pasta as energy suppliers: Spicing up the chicken soup with vermicelli adds a portion of carbohydrates. This is pleasantly full and provides the body with its preferred energy source.
It is best to prepare the chicken stock yourself with organic chicken and fresh vegetables.
Other home remedies for cold and flu
Gargle: What to do for sore throat besides drinking tea? Gargle the tea, is the answer. For painful throat or throat infections, you should gargle several times a day with a freshly prepared tea from ribwort, sage, marshmallow, mallow, chamomile or marigold.
Wadenwickel: If fever accompanies the cold, that’s a good sign – the increased body temperature, certain defense mechanisms (such as invading viruses) run faster. Therefore one should do something against it only with high and longer lasting fever. A simple, effective tip is cool-damp calf wrap:
- Dip two cotton towels in lukewarm water, wring them lightly and then place one tightly around each calf.
- Wrap a dry cotton cloth as a second layer.
- Then cover the calves with a woolen cloth.
- After 15 to 20 minutes, remove the calf rolls (or at the latest when they have become warm), wash the skin lukewarm and dry.
You can make a calf wrap up to three times a day (but first measure if there is still a fever).
If the patient has cold feet or freezes, do not make calf rolls!
Quark packs: You can use the anti-inflammatory effect of a cold quark wrap if you have throat or throat infections.
- Mix 200 grams of quark with a teaspoon of vinegar. Spread the mixture evenly about two centimeters thick on a linen cloth.
- Then place the cloth with the quark side on the neck and fix it with a dry, elongated cotton cloth.
- At the end wrap a woolen or silk scarf around.
- Leave the quark wrap on the neck until the quark is dry. That takes about an hour. Read more in the article neck wrap for sore throat.
Red light: In case of a cold, it is often recommended to use infrared light. Local heat treatment can, among other things, relieve pain and increase blood circulation. This is used for example for the treatment of local infections such as sinusitis or otitis media.
Wear safety glasses! However, one should be familiar with the therapeutic use of red light, because it also carries risks. This way, infrared rays can damage the eyes. Therefore, you must wear protective goggles (as in the solarium), if you irradiate about inflamed paranasal sinuses. Just close your eyes is not enough!
Keep distance: The distance and the intensity of the radiation must be chosen so that no burns on the skin arise. Ideally, between skin and red light lamp are 30 to 50 centimeters.
duration of treatment: For the duration of the treatment, 10 to 20 minutes are generally recommended, and often less for children. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor how long and how often you can use the red light bulb on yourself or your child.
In certain cases red light therapy is not recommended. This applies, for example, to fever, acute inflammation, blood clots (thrombosis), severe heart disease and severe diabetes mellitus.
Which does not help
What helps with a cold that is just getting started? Many people would respond to this: “Take vitamin C quickly, it can prevent the common cold”.
But according to experts, that’s not true. For example, studies show that taking vitamin C supplements at the onset of a cold can neither shorten the duration of your cold nor relieve your symptoms.
Also a fallacy is that sauna helps with cold. It does not work to sweat the cold viruses in the hot air. Rather, it may even be that the cold symptoms are even more severe afterwards.
In addition, the high temperatures can additionally burden the cardiovascular system, which is already affected by the common cold. Especially if you have a fever and / or feel very ill, you have no place in the sauna.
However, those who suffer more frequently from acute respiratory tract infections can strengthen their immune system with regular visits to the “sweatbox” – under certain circumstances, having a sauna can be at least a preventative home remedy for a cold.