Breast cancer screening aims to detect a malignant tumor in the breast as early as possible. The sooner a breast cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chances of recovery. In different age groups, different measures of early breast cancer detection are offered, such as breast ultrasound and mammography. Read all important information about methods and timing of breast cancer screening here!

Measures of breast cancer screening
There are several methods of examination that can detect a malignant tumor in the chest. These include palpation of the breast, ultrasound (sonography) of the breast and mammography (chest X-ray). In certain cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be indicated for breast examination.
In the context of statutory breast cancer screening, the health insurance companies cover the costs for various screening measures. Some of them are better for younger women, others better for older women. The recommendations for breast cancer screening therefore differ in part between the different age groups:
Breast cancer screening between 20 and 29 years
Women between the ages of 20 and 29 rarely develop breast cancer. They therefore need no specific studies on early breast cancer detection (unless there is a family bias: see below). The health insurance but pay an annual visit to the gynecologist for general care. It includes a conversation about the medical history (anamnesis) and a gynecological examination.
Breast cancer screening between 30 and 39 years
From 30 years is under the statutory breast cancer screening Once a year a palpation of the breast offered by the gynecologist. If a conspicuousness is detected, the breast should be Ultrasonic to be examined. If necessary, a mammography is also made. Ultrasound and mammography should be performed by a physician with appropriate qualifications or at a certified breast cancer center.
Breast cancer prevention between 40 and 49 years
Even women between 40 and 49 years is one annual palpation of the breast by the gynecologist too. If abnormalities become one mammography recommended. Depending on the conspicuousness, the mammography result and the density of the breast tissue, the breast should additionally be examined by ultrasound. Sometimes a magnetic resonance imaging (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) makes sense.
Breast cancer screening between 50 and 69 years
As in other age groups, 50- to 69-year-old women also enter annual palpation of the breast offered. If the gynecologist discovers an abnormality, one will mammography carried out.
In addition, women between the ages of 50 and 69 are billed every two years to attend Mammography screening invited. The costs for the precautionary x-ray of the chest carry the health insurance.
Breast cancer prevention from 70 years
Breast cancer screening in this age group sees one annual palpation of the breast and – in case of conspicuous palpation – a mammogram. A routine mammogram is generally useful in women who have an increased risk of disease. However, in women over the age of 70, breast cancer screening recommendations are based on the individual’s risk profile, overall health status, and individual life expectancy.
Breast cancer screening for increased breast cancer risk
An intensified breast cancer screening is useful in women at increased risk for breast cancer. These are, for example, women who have already had their mother, sister, grandmother and / or aunt suffering from breast cancer (or ovarian cancer). In such cases, the disease may be due to the mutation of certain risk genes (breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2), which the woman has also inherited. A genetic test can provide information about this.
However, there is also an increased risk of breast cancer if a woman has received thoracic radiotherapy in the past (due to, for example, lymphatic cancer). In other cases, a woman has previously experienced conspicuous but benign tissue changes in the chest. Then, more close-up breast cancer screening may also be advisable.
How exactly such an intensified breast cancer screening looks in individual cases depends on various factors. A role is played by the individual risk profile and the age of the woman. If you have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, you should discuss with your gynecologist what measures are taken to prevent breast cancer breast cancer prevention make sense in your case.