With the diphtheria vaccine you can prevent the highly contagious, dangerous infectious disease. The primary immunization consisting of multiple doses of diphtheria vaccine is usually performed in infancy. The diphtheria vaccine does not last for life, but must be refreshed regularly. Read all you need to know about the diphtheria vaccine.

This happens with the diphtheria vaccine
Diphtheria is caused by a bacterium that is transmitted from person to person through coughing or sneezing (droplet infection). The pathogen produces a poison (toxin) that is responsible for the disease symptoms.
In diphtheria vaccination, the attenuated toxin of the bacterium is administered (toxoid vaccine). In response to the diphtheria vaccine, the immune system produces antibodies against the pathogen. If it later comes to a true infection with diphtheria bacteria they are immediately fought by the available antibodies. However, the number of antibodies decreases over the years. Therefore, the diphtheria vaccine must be refreshed regularly.
side effects usually do not occur in diphtheria vaccination. In some cases, it can cause symptoms such as fatigue, fever or mild gastrointestinal complaints that disappear after a short time. Also a skin reaction at the injection site is possible.
When is the diphtheria vaccine useful?
Since the diphtheria vaccine in Germany has existed, the number of diseases has fallen sharply. Nevertheless, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends the diphtheria vaccine for all children, adolescents and adults. Because the disease is still widespread in other countries. Unvaccinated travelers can easily get infected there and pass the disease on to other people after their return to Germany.
So the diphtheria vaccine is administered
The Primary vaccination consisting of four doses of diphtheria vaccine should be given as early as infancy:
- 1st vaccine dose: from the second month of age
- 2. Vaccination dose: from the completed 3rd month of life
- 3. Vaccination dose: from the completed 4th month of life
- 4. Vaccination dose: at the end of the first year of life (11th to 14th month of life)
The diphtheria vaccine is injected into the muscle (intramuscularly), either in the buttocks, the upper arm or the thigh.
After the primary vaccination, the diphtheria vaccine should be regular freshened up – for the first time at the age of five to six, then between nine and seventeen and for adults every ten years. In most cases, the vaccine will then be given in combination with the booster dose for tetanus, whooping cough and polio.
Further recommendations for the diphtheria vaccine
If the diphtheria vaccine was missed as a child or not administered in all four vaccine doses, you can catch up with the primary vaccination with three injections at any time. If you do not know if you have been vaccinated as a child, a complete basic immunization is also recommended.
In case of very high fever or other serious illness the vaccination should be postponed. A mild flu, however, is no obstacle.
A trip to an area where diphtheria infections are still very common (infection area), should start at the earliest after the second vaccination.
Keep in mind that you will not become immune to the pathogen if you have already had the disease! Even though you have had diphtheria in your childhood, you should regularly take the Diphtheria immunization have it administered.