Not every conjunctivitis needs immediate treatment with medication. The conjunctivitis often heals after a short time on its own – especially when overexertion, foreign bodies such as sand and dust or hay fever are the triggers. Even home remedies can relieve symptoms such as watery or swollen eyes. Nevertheless, you should consult an ophthalmologist who can diagnose the cause of conjunctivitis (such as bacteria, viruses). In addition, you prevent so that worse damage to the eye.

Conjunctivitis: home remedy Quarkauflage
A proven Home remedies for swelling and for cooling are quark orders:
- Rinse a clean cotton cloth with cool water and then wring it out.
- In the middle of the cloth put about 100 grams of chilled quark; put the cloth ends together so that a kind of bag is created.
- Now lay this wrap on the closed eye and enjoy the soothing coolness for about 30 minutes.
- For severe inflammation, you should remove the pads after just 20 minutes. Otherwise, you can leave the wrap on the skin until the curd dries.
Do not apply the quark directly on the skin or on the eye. The mass can easily penetrate the eye and make the conjunctivitis even worse. In addition, the quark dries and hardens on the skin and hair – it is difficult to remove.
Conjunctivitis: home remedies eyebright
This plant does not bear its name for nothing: In recent centuries, it has proven to be effective against conjunctivitis, barley grain, over-stressed eyes and even hay fever. If the eyebright is drunk as a tea, it also works against headache, cough and runny nose and indigestion. In the form of a compress, the disinfectant effect benefits the eyes.
- Prepare a tea from a teaspoon of eyebright and a quart of boiling water.
- Let the tea soak for a few minutes and then dip clean compresses into it, wringing them out gently.
- With these compresses, you can now carefully wipe the dried scab from the eyelids or leave them as an overlay on the eyes.
Conjunctivitis: home remedy marigold
The marigold, which is also widely known as calendula, has anti-inflammatory and stimulates wound healing. For skin inflammations and poorly healing scars, the marigold is applied externally as an ointment. For the eyes you should brew again a tea and work with editions.
- Pour a good teaspoon of the marigolds with a quarter liter of boiling water and let it steep for 15 minutes.
- Then dip fresh compresses in them, put the envelopes on their closed eyes and let them work there. When the envelope cools down, you should renew it.
- Overall, the application should be about 15 minutes and may be repeated more often a day.
The marigold has a big advantage: In contrast to the camomile it triggers almost no allergic reactions. From a medical point of view, you should look up Envelopes with chamomile in the sensitive eye area dear renounce, Too often it comes to allergic rashes and irritation!
Conjunctivitis: home remedy herbal eye drops
The drug manufacturers are now taking advantage of the healing power of plants. So there are eye drops in the pharmacy, which do without any chemicals and contain only herbal ingredients. The manufacturers use only high-quality, pure plant extracts. Therefore, better resort to such means and refrain from self-brewed eye drops.
These three remedies are best for eye diseases and are available as eye drops:
- Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) has anti-inflammatory properties in viral and allergic conjunctivitis.
- The Garden rue (Ruta graveolens) works well with red and tired eyes.
- The glandular power of Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Can be used in case of conjunctivitis, which is triggered by dry eyes.
If the symptoms on the eye increase or new ones occur, you should definitely consult a specialist, who is yours Conjunctivitis looks closer.