Kidney cancer symptoms are not obvious in most cases. The first signs of a malignant kidney tumor may be blood in the urine and flank or back pain. Often a disease runs for a long time without any symptoms. Kidney cancer is therefore often discovered only by accident. Read here for signs of kidney cancer.

Kidney cancer: Symptoms often only at an advanced stage
In most cases, kidney cancer initially proceeds without symptoms. Only when the growth is greater, many patients complain of the first symptoms: Kidney cancer can be, for example, by blood in the urine (hematuria) and pain in the back and in the flank noticeable. Only rarely can the tumor be felt as a tumor in the kidney area.
Other possible kidney cancer symptoms include fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and unwanted weight loss, as with other cancers.
In some cases, hypertension (hypertension) develops suddenly. Anemia as well as high levels of calcium in the blood (due to the formation of bone metastases) are also possible indications of a kidney tumor. Symptoms such as disorders of liver function are also observed in rarer cases.
The man may have another kidney cancer sign: If the tumor enters one of the renal veins, a varicose vein may develop (varicocele).
Often random diagnosis
Do you still have kidney cancer symptoms, doctors speak of asymptomatic kidney cancer. At this early stage, the tumor is often discovered only by chance in other studies. Kidney cancer, for example, can be diagnosed by ultrasound (ultrasound) – for example in prenatal care – or by computer tomography (CT). The tumors are then usually very small. If they are immediately treated consistently, there are good chances of recovery and Kidney Cancer Symptoms often do not even arise.