Many people rely on nail fungus home remedies such as vinegar or lemon, although doctors doubt their effectiveness mostly. Read more about the most important applications and what to look for in the case of nail fungus home remedies.

Nail fungus: home remedies as a natural help
Whether guidebooks, the Internet or your own grandmother – nail fungus home remedies are recommended by many as an alternative or accompanying measure to orthodox medical treatment. Their advantage is that they are sometimes already available in the home and often cheaper than medical drugs. Whether nail fungus home remedies really help, however, is usually not medically proven or at least not sufficiently investigated.
Vinegar against nail fungus
Vinegar against nail fungus is a very commonly used home remedy. Nail fungus should fight effectively with the acidic substance, because fungi can only survive in a basic to neutral environment. The prerequisite for effective treatment is therefore an acidity of five to 25 percent.
The application of nail fungus on the feet is often used as a foot bath: mix warm water with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 and bath for 10 to 15 minutes in the feet. Often apple cider vinegar is recommended against nail fungus.
Alternatively, moisten a cotton swab or cotton ball with vinegar to rub in the affected nail.
Instead of vinegar is sometimes Essigessenz against nail fungus used. It is vinegar with a high acidity. The vinegar essence should be applied to the affected areas one to three times a day. But here caution is necessary, because it can come around the nail to skin irritation!
Medicinal plants against nail fungus
For nail fungus and other fungal infections of the skin recommends the classical phytotherapy medicinal herbs like sage leaves, marigold blossoms, turmeric root, rosemary leaves and cinnamon. The medicinal herbs can be used internally as tea or externally (for example for a foot bath).
Also with the juice from the leaves of Aloe vera nail fungus should be treated naturally.
General with fungal infections is also garlic recommended. With nail fungus it can be sliced or chopped in the garlic press and then applied to the diseased nail. Ingested he should also help, especially in the form of a high-dose drug from the pharmacy.
Tea tree oil against nail fungus
Another commonly used nail fungus home remedy is tea tree oil. Nail fungus is supposed to kill itself effectively. The essential oil is also generally well tolerated.
The application is similar to vinegar: nail fungus should be wetted three to four times a day with a cotton ball with tea tree oil. You can also rub a few drops directly on the diseased nail or put in a foot bath.
Many pharmacies also offer a herbal Nail fungal oil in addition to tea tree oil, for example, contains the essential oils of sage or lemon balm.
Baking powder against nail fungus
Another often recommended nail fungus home remedy is baking soda. It is mixed with water until it has a sticky consistency and then applied directly to the affected areas.
Lemon against nail fungus
As a tried and tested nail fungus home remedy is the lemon: soaked in a cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and moisten the affected nail in the morning and evening. The whole thing should be repeated daily for several weeks – even a few days after the symptoms have subsided.
Other home remedies for nail fungus
Tea tree oil and vinegar are most commonly recommended for nail fungus. But there are other nail fungus home remedies known, such as natural urine, salt water or alcohol. Again, the effectiveness is questionable.
Nail fungus home remedies: Conclusion
With nail fungus is not to be joked. He can be very persistent and progress in case of wrong or inadequate treatment. He should therefore be treated as early as possible with antifungal preparations such as antifungal nail polish or possibly even antifungal tablets. To support the often protracted treatment, you can use nail fungus home remedies.