Navel inflammation (omphalitis) is usually a bacterial infection. The most commonly affected are newborns. An abdominal inflammation must be treated with antibiotics, otherwise serious complications may occur. Therefore, contact inflammation signs at the navel directly to a doctor. Read more about symptoms, diagnostics and treatment of navel inflammation here!

Navel inflammation: description
Navel inflammation usually occurs in the newborn’s navel, umbilical stump, and surrounding tissue. The main causative agents are bacteria that are transmitted during or after birth.
In developing countries, navel inflammation contributes significantly to the high birth rate of newborns. In industrialized countries, however, it affects less than one percent of newborns and rarely leads to death. Navel infections can be the source of serious complications when bacteria enter the tissues and blood via the navel.
The navel and the cutoff
The child is supplied with nutrients and oxygen via the navel during pregnancy. The umbilical cord connects the child with the mother cake (placenta). It should be cut sterile after delivery, as the vessels in it may serve as a portal of entry for infections. After the umbilical cord dries the umbilical cord, turns dark blue and falls off after five to 15 days of life. It activates the body’s immune cells and proteins, which separate the navel from the umbilical stump. However, the resulting inflammatory reactions are not bacterial inflammations of the navel.
Navel inflammation: symptoms
Three days to three weeks after infection (incubation period), the first symptoms appear. The earlier in the life of a newborn the symptoms are more dangerous, the more dangerous the navel inflammation.
Typical symptoms: secretions – redness – swelling
Typically, navel inflammation from the navel produces a greasy-purulent and strong-smelling secretion out, Around the navel, the skin is red, swollen and very sensitive to touch. If the infection spreads, small and punctate haemorrhages in the skin, blisters and a crackling noise occur. Occasionally, the symptoms are very weak.
Danger threatens by the carryover of the pathogen!
If the newborn’s defense is particularly weakened or if the course is particularly severe, a navel infection can develop into sepsis. These are symptoms such as fever or hypothermia, lethargy, drinking weakness, drop in blood pressure, heart rate increase, respiratory disorders, a strong immune system and overstretching of the abdomen.
Navel inflammation can kill surrounding (muscle) tissue. Especially dangerous is the usually severe so-called necrotic fasciitis. In this severe form of infection, the skin subcutaneously and even the underlying fascia, which envelop and stabilize all organs, muscles and other body units as constituents of the connective tissue.
The navel inflammation can also extend to the blood vessels in the umbilical environment, the peritoneum and the liver. In rare cases, abscesses develop in the liver.
Navel Inflammation: Causes and Risk Factors
Most bacteria trigger a navel infection. Especially newborns are particularly vulnerable. They lack sufficient defenses because their immune system has not come in contact with bacteria and could build up a powerful defense.
The reason: Before birth, the skin, which is lapped by the amniotic fluid, free of bacteria. Only in the course of birth, the skin of the newborn is first colonized with bacteria. To prevent an inflammation of the navel, hygiene – in particular navel separation with sterile tools – plays an important role. Because the umbilical region offers bacteria a very good habitat. If the bacteria get into the umbilical vessels, the infection can spread through the blood – a blood poisoning is the result.
risk factors
Low birth weight, preterm delivery, abnormalities of the umbilical region, birth complications or the placement of a navel catheter increase the risk of navel inflammation. Also in congenital diseases of the immune system occur more often Bauchnabelentzündungen.
Navel inflammation: examinations and diagnosis
Already when looking at the navel, the doctor recognizes a navel inflammation mostly by their typical appearance. To determine the pathogen accurately, the doctor takes a swab at the navel with a sterile swab, followed by a bacterial culture in the laboratory.
blood test
In the laboratory, specialists examine the blood for signs of inflammation and indications of possible blood poisoning.
Imaging procedures
The doctor can ultrasonically examine the region around the navel and abdomen. If there is a suspicion of bacterial spread via the blood, a computed tomography of the abdomen should be made.
For severe cases, a more detailed diagnosis must follow, depending on the complication.
Navel inflammation: treatment
In case of navel inflammation, therapy must be started immediately. It should also be accompanied closely to detect complications early.
Treatment is with a suitable antibiotic at the age-appropriate dose.
In the early stages it is sometimes sufficient to use antibiotic and antiseptic ointments under close control. Pronounced navel inflammation always treats the doctor with an antibiotic effective on the whole organism. Regulation of the fluid balance alleviates the symptoms. If necessary, the child will be cared for at the hospital.
If tissue dies, abscesses develop and the infection progresses, surgery is required. These interventions can be life-saving.
Severe courses should always be supervised intensively and treated without delay.
How can you prevent belly button inflammation?
In hospitals, strict compliance with hygiene regulations helps prevent an umbilical infection. Most of the triggering germs are transmitted through the hands of the contact persons. Hand-washing and hand-disinfecting is therefore mandatory before contact with the newborn. Especially when breastfeeding you should pay attention to a special hygiene.
navel care
The newborn should be cared for carefully with soap and water and the navel should be kept as dry as possible. The umbilical stump is covered for protection with a sterile compress that should not get wet – for example, through urine. Studies show that antiseptic treatment with chlorhexidine can prevent navel inflammation. When the navel drops, the cover is usually no longer required.
In certain circumstances, such as fever at birth, premature rupture of membranes or prolonged labor, the doctor recommends taking antibiotics as a preventive measure.
Navel inflammation: disease course and prognosis
The navel inflammation is basically a dangerous disease that needs to be treated by a doctor. In severe cases, navel inflammation may spread and lead to life-threatening complications. In particular, antibiotic-resistant germs are particularly difficult to treat. Overall, the forecast is the Navel inflammation very different. In countries with a well-trained healthcare system, the prognosis for treatment is very good.