Many people suffer from a cat allergy. Symptoms trigger certain proteins that release the cats in their saliva, urine or through sebaceous glands. These proteins are called allergens. The allergic reaction itself is caused by an overreaction of the immune system, which leads to the release of histamine. Read all important information about cat allergy symptoms here.

Cat allergy: symptoms in the initial stages
In every human being, symptoms of cat allergy vary in severity and not everyone has the same symptoms. Especially in the early stages of an allergy weak symptoms are often not attributed to a specific trigger, but dismissed as insignificant or confused with signs of a cold. Many sufferers show sneezing, itchy eyes or a runny nose as the first cat allergy symptoms.
Mostly in a cat allergy symptoms occur immediately after contact with the allergen. This circumstance makes it easier for the cat allergy to actually return the symptoms to the cats.
Where do the cat allergy symptoms show up?
Cat hair allergy symptoms occur in different areas of the body. Not every person affected inevitably has to show all the listed symptoms. The severity depends mostly on the duration of the contact. The longer you are exposed to the allergen, the more the symptoms.
Cat allergy symptoms of the respiratory tract
Especially the airways are irritated in a cat allergy. With the breath allergens are taken from the air. If you sit down on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, the allergic reaction occurs with the following symptoms:
- cough
- Scratchy throat
- severe coughing fits (similar to coughing)
- Throat and throat can catch fire.
- sneezing
- runny or stuffy nose
- In extreme cases: shortness of breath
Cat allergy symptoms of the eyes
Also on the eyes are mucous membranes, which are irritated by the cat allergens. Cat allergies can cause symptoms such as burning, red and itchy eyes. Many people’s eyes water. This is a natural defense reaction of the body, with which the allergens are to be washed out of the eyes.
Symptoms of the eyes can occur at any time in a cat allergy. These symptoms are especially pronounced when you have had contact with cats with your hands and then drive over your face and eyes. A similar effect has the direct contact of the face with the cat, as in petting or kissing.
Cat allergy symptoms of the skin
If the skin comes into contact with the cat allergens, these can also be allergic. Most sufferers experience redness and swelling of the skin with severe itching. Often, large, itchy pustules (so-called wheals) form. These are usually limited to the areas that had direct contact with the cat. But you can also stretch yourself.
Basically, the more direct and the longer the contact, the worse the symptoms are. If the skin is additionally scratched by the cat, the symptoms increase. Often there is a swelling or even inflammation of the injured areas.
Cat allergy: symptoms in the further course
Furthermore, a cat allergy can trigger symptoms such as general malaise or a lack of concentration. Many people also suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders such as difficulty sleeping and staying asleep can occur when the cat sleeps in the same room (or even in the same bed) as the person affected. Then the body is exposed to a large amount of allergens throughout the night. Sleep disorders result as a result of sneezing, scratching the throat or dyspnea.
If a cat allergy remains untreated for a long time, the symptoms may get worse over time. Especially if those affected continue to be exposed to the triggering allergens .. In extreme cases, can develop from a cat allergy even bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is associated with severe attacks of respiratory distress and may be life threatening. To be at a Cat allergy symptoms As this should be avoided, medical advice should be sought as early as possible and preventive measures should be taken.