The miscarriage signs depend on how and at what time of pregnancy it comes to abortion. Most common signs are sudden, severe vaginal bleeding. Also contractions or labor-like pain are miscarriage signs. Here you can read what you can tell about a threatened or already occurred miscarriage.

Threatening abortion
When threatened abortion (medically: Abortus imminens) are the first miscarriage symptoms vaginal bleeding. Labor can be added. The cervix is closed. As a rule, the bleeding is caused by a bruise (hematoma) of the mother cake (placenta). To avoid a miscarriage, the pregnant woman should rest strictly in bed.
Starting abortion
An incipient abortion is medically termed “Abortus incipiens”. In contrast to the imminent abortion, the cervix is already open here. Miscarriage signs are bleeding and painful labor. Abortions are generally unavoidable at this stage. He usually goes over in the …
… incomplete or complete abortion
Incomplete abortion, also known as abortus incompletus, is regarded as a precursor to complete abortion (abortus completus). There are symptoms similar to those at the beginning of the abortion. In the former, only a part of the fruit is expelled, but in a complete miscarriage both the fetus and the membranes and the placenta are expelled.
Behavioral abortion
This form (English: missed abortion) is particularly treacherous. There are no typical external miscarriage symptoms here. There is no bleeding or pain. When the cervix is closed, nothing is expelled. Doctors diagnose this miscarriage by an ultrasound. An embryo is found in which vital signs such as heart sounds are missing. In addition, the uterus does not continue to grow.
Febrile abortion
This so-called abortion febrilis usually shows with fever between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius and purulent discharge from the vagina. Left untreated, this type of miscarriage can be life threatening. One speaks then of the septic abortion with heavy coagulation disturbances up to the multi-organ failure.
The diaper is a falsely developed fertilized egg. In the ultrasound one finds an empty amniotic sac without embryo, usually smaller than three centimeters. A diaper breaks down in the first few weeks. Its incidence is 50 to 90 percent of spontaneous abortions in the second month of pregnancy. As with the muted abortion, there are hardly any signs of miscarriage. As a rule, spotting is the only symptom.
Habitual abortion
The habitual abortion is when a woman has suffered three or more miscarriages. The habitual abortion accounts for 0.5 to one percent of all miscarriages. The most common causes include changes in the genetic material of a parent or an aggressive immune system of the woman.
The type of abortion and the Miscarriage-signs decide how the affected woman is treated.