Cold, cough, sore throat – such complaints are always a nuisance. But how can you effectively prevent a cold? You can not always prevent it from getting infected. Nevertheless, you can do a lot to reduce the risk of infection considerably. Read all important information about how to prevent a cold.

Prevent a cold: Hygiene
The most important measure to prevent a cold is hygiene. Cold viruses can survive for extended periods of time on the skin or on the surface of objects.
If you have had contact with a cold person or with potentially contaminated areas (for example, doorknobs, handrails in buses and trains or railings), wash your hands as soon as possible. Above all, be careful not to touch your face so as not to spread the viruses. For cold persons you should keep as far as possible and avoid the direct contact. Do not drink or eat the same dishes as a cold person.
If you catch a cold yourself, you can at least protect your fellow human beings: Wash your hands with a cold after each nasal wash. Do not leave handkerchiefs lying around but dispose of them immediately in the trash. Especially with children, care must be taken to prevent a cold. The little ones, for example, quickly stick each other over shared toys.
Prevent colds: nutrition
Nutrition also plays a role if you want to prevent a cold. In general, you should eat as varied and balanced as possible. Fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal and dairy products contain many vitamins and minerals. They help the body to build up a powerful immune system. On the other hand, meat and animal fats should only be consumed in moderation. This also applies to alcohol.
Many people swallow vitamin C supplements at the first sign of illness. So they hope to be able to prevent the final outbreak of a cold. Unfortunately, that does not work. Vitamins support the immune system in the long term. However, once the virus has spread throughout the body, it must form specific antibodies against the bacteria. Vitamin C then has no immediate effect.
Prevent a cold: recovery
Sufficient rest and relaxation are another important measure to prevent colds. Make sure you have enough sleep. Too little, restless or irregular sleep is a burden on the body. Viruses that infest the body can not be combated well and the disease is often more severe. Not only against colds, but also against many other diseases, sleep is a major factor in prevention.
Cold and other infections are also favored by stress. If you have a stressful day, you should try to put rest for relaxation.
There are many stress factors. This can be an illness, stress at work or problems in marriage. But even positive life events such as a wedding or a job change mean stress. He affects us not only mentally, but also physically. The stress also reduces the power of the immune system. If you are permanently energized, you are also more susceptible to a cold. You can prevent by trying to change or eliminate behaviors or situations that are stressful for you. It also helps to learn a relaxation technique such as meditation, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation. Such practices are an important factor in preventing a cold.
Prevent a cold: cold and damp
The term “cold” already points out: When cold, cold viruses have easier game. On the one hand, the pathogens feel good at lower temperatures. Even more decisive, however, is that in the cold, the mucous membranes are less well supplied with blood. Therefore, less disease cells, for example, in the nasal mucosa are ready to catch the germs. By cold alone but you do not catch a cold. In order to prevent a cold, you should always pay attention in the winter to a sufficiently warm clothing. At very low temperatures, a scarf protects the airway from the mouth.
The temperature factor also plays a role in the summer: If you stay in cold water for a long time or wear wet or sweaty clothing for an extended period of time, viruses also have an easier time. Always change wet or sweaty clothes in the summer. Avoid drafts and too long stays in cold water. For the cooler evening hours you should always have a jacket with you – even so you can prevent a cold.
Prevent a cold: More tips
In addition to these measures, there are other ways you can prevent a cold. For example, doctors recommend that the apartment be ventilated regularly – especially in winter. With the air exchange also cold viruses, which accumulate in the air, carried out. In addition, you should at least once a day move in the fresh air. A walk of about half an hour is enough.
In the cold winter months, warm foot baths help to prevent a cold. If you are frozen through, the heat gets better into the body. Also, regular hot-cold showers can strengthen the immune system and prevent a cold.
Especially in the winter months it makes sense to wear gloves outside. So you not only stay warm, but pathogens that you could pick up on doorknobs or handholds, do not get directly to your hands. Do not wear gloves on your face and wash them regularly to prevent a cold.
So you can do a lot with one of them Prevent colds can. And if it does actually soften it, a strong immune system helps to get through the infection quickly.