Bursitis on the elbow (bursitis olecrani) can be very painful. It usually occurs at the bony tip of the elbow. In English, the bursitis olecrani is also called “student’s elbow” (student elbow). The reason: If you support your elbow at the table repeatedly while learning, this can lead to longer-term bursitis. Read all important information about bursitis – elbows!

Bursitis – Elbow: How is it created?
The medical term for bursitis on the elbow is Bursitis olecrani, Translated, this means “bursitis of the elbow tip” (the bony elbow tip is called Olecranon). It can have different causes:
Bursitis (elbow) due to repeated irritation
Bursitis on the elbow is usually the result of repeated bumps and force on the elbow. This often affects people who work a lot at the desk and support their arm on the elbow for a long time. The irritation and inflammation caused by the long support call doctors one atraumatic inflammation, This means that the cause of the inflammation is neither an injury nor a single shock.
Bursitis (elbow) by bacteria
In the event of a cut injury or surgery on the elbow, bacteria can invade the body and cause bursitis. In this case one speaks of one septic inflammation, There is a risk that the infection spreads to the whole body and makes the person very ill. Therefore, patients with olecranon bursitis should always be examined for skin lesions in the elbow region. Then, if necessary, it is possible at an early stage to prevent the bacteria from spreading.
Note: Bursitis on the elbow is rarely caused by bacteria. In most cases, it is a harmless (non-bacterial) inflammation.
Bursitis (elbow) in underlying diseases
Inflammation in the elbow joint may also be the cause of bursitis on the elbow. Such joint inflammation often occurs in the context of another disease such as rheumatism or gout. Especially with recurring bursitis on the elbow can be such underlying cause behind it.
Bursitis – elbow: symptoms
Redness, swelling and sensitivity to touch in the area of the elbow, the most common signs of bursitis are olecrani. Touching and pressure on the elbow cause severe pain. Also, flexion movements are very painful, because in an inflammation fluid flows into the tissue, the blood circulation is increased and nerves sensitive to stimuli.
Especially with very severe symptoms, patients should go to the doctor. The earlier the inflammation is treated properly, the faster the symptoms usually go back.
Bursitis – Elbow: Treatment
As with all bursitis, a bacterial infection must first be ruled out. If this is the case (so it is a simple bursitis on the elbow), the treatment is quite easy. Home remedies are especially popular with incipient bursitis (elbow) Cold wraps and envelopes can alleviate the discomfort and often prevent a full-blown olecranon bursitis. Besides the cooling is also the Relieve the elbow an important part of the treatment. Bursitis also responds well anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac (in tablet or ointment form).
If this treatment does not work or the bursitis is recurring, the doctor may cortisone injection administer to the bursa. Does not help these, must one surgery be considered (removal of the inflamed bursa).
Note: Bursal surgery is not an option until all other treatments have failed.
With bacterial bursitis on the elbow, surgical removal of the bursa is almost always necessary. In addition, the patient is treated with antibiotics. Close monitoring of Bursitis (elbow) is then inevitable, so as not to endanger the health of the patient.