A tick bite (colloquially also tick bite) every man can get. But especially endangered are people who spend the summer in the forest or high grass. Ticks can transmit diseases through the sting. Therefore, you should remove the tick and watch the tick bite. Read all about the tick bite here.

Tick bite: description
A tick bite is colloquially often also called tick bite. This is not correct because ticks have a stinging device and no biting apparatus. They cut the skin of the host animal with their mouthparts. Then they stab with a tongue-like device to suck blood.
The tick
Ticks are among the arachnids. They have eight legs and are three to four millimeters in size. If they are soaked in blood, they can grow up to a foot and a half. They have a roundish body with a spine shield and a small head on which the mouthpiece sits. So they can suck blood – as parasites (parasites) ticks need different species or humans as a source of food.
Ticks hatch as larvae from eggs, then grow into so-called nymphs and eventually develop into adult ticks. They feed on blood at all stages except male, adult ticks – they do not suck blood. Adult females lay eggs after the last blood meal.
Tick biting: Where do ticks lurk?
Ticks become active on spring and summer days at temperatures of about 10 ° C, in our latitudes between March and November. Its main activity is in May and June, as well as in September and October. They prefer to prick in the morning and early evening.
Ticks live mainly on the wayside, in tall grasses, in scrub and undergrowth. People can meet them while they are out and about in the woods – jogging, cycling, hiking or camping, for example – as well as playing games or working in the garden.
ticks areas
In which areas of Germany ticks are common, you can find under tick areas.
Tick bite: symptoms
You can read about how to detect a tick bite in the article Tick bite: Symptoms.
Tick bite: causes and risk factors
Ticks have in their anterior pairs of legs a sensory organ, the Haller’s organ. This allows them to perceive their surroundings and recognize potential victims through shocks, body heat and fragrances. If an animal or a person strips the blade of grass on which the tick sits, it clings to it with its stapler. The widespread belief that ticks can fall or jump off trees is not true.
Once a tick has hit a host’s skin, it first pricks a pit. This then fills with blood of the victim and the tick sucks for hours to days. She injects with her saliva an analgesic substance into the skin, so that sufferers do not notice the sting.
Tick bite: how can you protect yourself?
You can do a lot for a good tick protection:
Take care when hiking or walking in the forest sturdy footwear with long ones socks to wear. It is also advisable to have one long trousers put on and put these in the socks. In this way, the tick does not find a skin to sting, can be found faster and removed. Worn clothing should then be washed at 60 ° C or tumble dried.
Use Insect repellent (Repellents), as they are for example against mosquitoes. They change the body odor, the temperature and moisture of the skin. Ticks can no longer locate humans. The duration of action of the repellents is limited. In addition, you should not only wet the skin with your skin, but also your clothes and your head.
If ticks are found at your place of residence, you can prevent their multiplication by keeping your dogs and cats with you throughout the season ticks means for pets to treat. So the female ticks can not soak up blood and then lay eggs.
In addition, you should make your garden so that ticks there no suitable living conditions Find. Cut pastures, grasses and hedges and remove damp spots.
Since diseases can be transmitted in a tick bite, a vaccine is recommended. Learn more about tick vaccination.
Tick bite: examinations and diagnosis
If you have or suspect a tick bite, visit your family doctor. A tick bite in children should be seen by the pediatrician. The doctor will first ask you about your medical history (anamnesis). He will ask you the following questions:
- Have you recently been walking in the woods or in the tall grass?
- Have you removed an animal from your skin?
- When did you first notice the sting?
- Are you in pain at the injection site?
- Do you feel choppy or do you have a fever?
- Are you vaccinated against FSME?
- Can you move your arms and legs?
Subsequently, your doctor will examine you physically. He looks first at the tick bite exactly. He pays attention to whether there is still a tick or another animal. Then he looks at the surroundings of the engraving and looks for redness, swelling, overheating and pain. In addition, he scans among other nearby lymph nodes.
Your doctor may take your blood. If diseases were transmitted with the tick bite, the pathogens can be detected in the blood sample. In addition, any reactions of your immune system to the pathogens can be detected in the blood.
Normally, the tick that stung you is not examined for possible pathogens. Even if a tick carries Borrelia or TBE viruses, for example, it does not necessarily mean that it has transmitted these pathogens to you.
Tick bite: You should pay attention to this yourself
If you have been in the woods or in tall grass, such as a walk or a picnic, you should then search your body for ticks. Ticks usually crawl up the legs, but they can also be found on all other parts of the body. They prefer sheltered skin to avoid being found and removed by their host. Therefore, if necessary, crawl around your body for several hours until they find a suitable spot. They often sting in the hollows of the knees or under the arms. Even a tick bite on the head is possible.
Often a toddler and schoolchild are affected by a tick bite because the offspring like to stay in the woods and meadows. Therefore, check your children for possible tick bites when outdoors during the warmer months.
Remove the tick
As you should do, if you discover a tick on your body, read on removing ticks.
Tick bite: treatment
How a tick bite is treated, see under tick bite – what to do?
Tick bite: Disease course and prognosis
In most cases, the prognosis for a tick bite is good. A tick should be removed quickly and gently. This can reduce the risk of inflammation and disease transmission. An inflamed tick bite, for example, by colonizing bacteria requires a little more time to heal.
Tick bite: Follow
Sometimes ticks transmit diseases. This includes:
- TBE (tick-borne encephalitis)
- Lyme disease
- Tick bite fever
- Bouttonneuse fever
- Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis
In some cases, a tick paralysis occurs. This refers to paralysis on the body, which often regress quickly. Such a paralysis after a tick bite is rare in Germany; It is widespread on continents other than European.