The yellow fever vaccine is a safe measure to prevent the possibly fatal disease. As a rule, it is well tolerated. In some countries, vaccination is compulsory for entry and exit. Travelers can get immunized in official yellow fever vaccines in Germany. Find out everything worth knowing about yellow fever vaccination here.

Yellow fever vaccination: Who should be vaccinated?
Basically, a yellow fever vaccine for the indigenous population in yellow fever endemic areas especially important, since one hundred percent protection against transmission by mosquito bites can hardly be guaranteed even with great care. If about 60 to 90 percent of the population of a demineralized area are vaccinated, can prevent outbreaks of the disease.
But a vaccine is also for travelers important in yellow fever endemic areas. In some countries there is even a vaccination regulation: Without such proof, you are not allowed to travel to such a country (also no transit). The vaccine is recommended not only for countries where it is prescribed, but for all countries with a potential risk of yellow fever infection. For which countries a yellow fever vaccination makes sense or compulsory, please contact your travel physician.
Course of yellow fever vaccination
The Yellow fever vaccination is an active vaccine with a live vaccine. This means that the body is attenuated attenuated yellow fever virus. The fact that the pathogens are weakened, they can usually trigger yellow fever. The patient’s immune system develops antibodies against the viruses in the days after the yellow fever vaccine and fights them. This “learns” the body’s defense system to destroy the yellow fever virus. It uses the so-called 17D yellow fever vaccine, which has been used effectively for over 70 years.
How often is vaccinated?
Yellow fever vaccine immunity to yellow fever is thought to last a lifetime. It is enough a single vaccine dose, Most patients are already immune for ten days after the yellow fever vaccine. It should therefore be done at least ten days before departure.
Where is vaccinated?
A special feature of the yellow fever vaccine is that it may only be performed by specialist doctors. These doctors, who are mostly tropical physicians, receive a certification from the World Health Organization (WHO) for this purpose and are then able to carry out yellow fever vaccination worldwide. It is the only vaccine subject to this specific requirement.
Possible side effects of the yellow fever vaccine
Many people fear vaccinations with side effects or vaccine reactions. Yellow fever vaccination Fortunately, side effects are rare and the yellow fever vaccine is considered safe and well tolerated. Nevertheless, every patient must be informed about potential yellow fever vaccine side effects before vaccination by the doctor orally.
In general, flu-like symptoms may occur after three to four days after a yellow fever vaccination. This is because the yellow fever vaccine contains attenuated but basically functional viruses.
A specific yellow fever vaccine side effect is an allergic reaction to egg white. Because the yellow fever vaccine is particularly rich in egg white and can therefore lead to severe allergic reactions in people with a chicken egg allergy.
Who can not be vaccinated?
For people with a chicken egg allergy it needs to be clarified if vaccination is mandatory. If necessary, the vaccination can then be carried out under special safety measures.
Since it is a live vaccine, even persons with a pronounced immunodeficiency (for example, by AIDS) should be vaccinated only in exceptional cases. Because a normally functioning immune system is important to build up the vaccine protection. In addition, a live vaccination in case of immunodeficiency can have unpredictable consequences.
In addition, women should not be vaccinated during pregnancy and lactation and infants under six months.
What happens if you can not be vaccinated?
If for medical reasons one Yellow fever vaccination is not practicable, a vaccination exemption can be entered in the international vaccination certificate. However, countries with mandatory vaccination are not obliged to recognize this vaccination exemption. This means that in the worst case when entering the destination country a duty to vaccinate, quarantine or even a rejection.