Cervical cancer symptoms are rare in the early stages of the disease. In the course of tumor development, however, the first symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, appear. Women should pay close attention to possible uterine cancer symptoms because, as with any cancer, the earlier the tumor is detected and treated, the better the chances of recovery. What complaints can be uterine cancer symptoms, read here.

Cervical cancer: symptoms in early stages
Cervical cancer is difficult to detect in its early stages, as it usually causes no symptoms. That is why attention should be paid to the smallest abnormalities. The first indication of uterine cancer is usually an unusual one Bleeding from the vagina one. Especially if it occurs outside the menstrual period or after menopause, women should consult a doctor immediately.
Also one unusually long bleeding should be clarified by the gynecologist.
Sometimes it comes in addition to spotting or purulent discharge, Also blow-like Pain in the lower abdomen are possible symptoms. Cervical cancer can also cause pain in the pelvic area or in the back.
loss in weight and loss of appetite can be more uterine cancer symptoms.
Cervical cancer: advanced symptoms
The larger the tumor becomes, the more pronounced the uterine cancer symptoms become. This is especially true when the tumor from the uterus on other organs overreaches. Particularly affected are the vagina and the rectum. In the latter case, there may be irregularities in bowel movements and bleeding from the rectum. When the pelvic wall becomes affected, stabbing pains are possible symptoms.
Cervical cancer can also spread to the bladder. Bleeding from the bladder and urinary irregularities may indicate this. In addition, affected women often get urinary tract infections as a result. This can cause blood in the urine (hematuria) and back pain.
All these complaints do not necessarily have to be considered Cervical Cancer Symptoms turn out – sometimes they have other causes. An early clarification at the doctor is still advisable.