An acne treatment depends primarily on the form of the acne. In addition, it must be taken into account, for example, whether you have particularly sensitive skin or are allergic to certain substances. In severe cases, the acne treatment with the dermatologist should be clarified. In mild cases, you can try to relieve the symptoms yourself. Read all important information about acne treatment here.

Different ways of acne treatment
To the questions “What helps against acne?” and “What to do with acne?” There are no general answers, because for each skin type different forms of treatment are recommended. Also, form and causes of acne and individual conditions (such as allergies) must be considered if you want to successfully treat acne.
The various options of acne treatment are roughly divided into an external (topical, local or topical) acne treatment (for example, with ointments and peels) and a holistic (systemic) acne treatment with internally applied drugs.
External acne treatment
Ointments, scrubs & Co.
In supermarkets and drugstores as well as over the counter in the pharmacy ointments, creams, washing lotions and much more for the independent acne treatment are offered. In mild acne forms, such antibacterial (antiseptic) Washing and care series already help well. In severe cases, however, they do not provide sufficient help with acne. So if you have an acne for a long time, your skin is constantly deteriorating, or you are mentally ill with acne, you should consult a dermatologist.
For external acne treatment are also in mild and moderate cases antibiotics used against acne (such as erythromycin and clindamycin), in the form of ointments and creams. They reduce the number of bacteria on the skin.
Also skin renewing peelings can support the local acne treatment. They are mostly based on natural fruit acids alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA). These include, for example, lactic, citric, malic, tartaric and tartaric acids. The scrubs are applied to the affected skin, where they are allowed to act for a certain time. They peel off the upper layers of the skin and prevent keratinization of the skin. This will make the skin fresher and reduce the number of blackheads. It is important that you apply the skin after applying a scrub. Typically, about six to eight applications are performed within four weeks. More often, these peels should not be used as they stress the skin.
Other methods of external acne treatment
At the doctor or in the beauty salon, other forms of external acne treatment are offered. These include, for example vapor depositions, glaciations and the cosmetic opening and expressions the pimples or abscesses. Newer treatments include selective irradiation UV light and the Color therapythat were applied over several weeks. An irradiation period lasts about 30 minutes, during which the skin is alternately irradiated with UVA and UVB radiation or alternately with blue and red light.
A completely new method of acne treatment is the so-called Microdermabrasion, Here, fine crystals are shot at high pressure on the skin. Thus, cornification are eliminated and the skin tightened.
Internal acne treatment
A medical acne treatment is only performed in moderate and severe cases. She needs time – results can not be seen from one day to the next. For most medications, the first signs of improvement in acne symptoms appear at the earliest after six to eight weeks.
In most cases will be antibiotics used for internal acne treatment (for example in the form of tablets). These fight the bacteria, which cause the inflammation of the pimples. However, antibiotics should not be used as a long-term treatment, otherwise resistance may develop. In addition, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of twelve should not take certain antibiotics (including tetracyclines).
Another way to treat acne Vitamin A acid derivatives (retinoids), They fight pimples and blackheads, but do not help with a bacterial infection. Isotretinoin is often used in acne. In many cases, acne is caused by hormones, that is, by the male sex hormones (androgens). Female sex hormones and anti-androgens can thus contribute to an improvement in the appearance of the skin. That is why women often become the Birth control pills prescribed for acne treatment. There are special preparations based on anti-androgens. That is, not all contraceptive pills are suitable for acne treatment.
For women who want to have children, the anti-baby pill is not suitable for acne treatment. It is also not used in boys and men with acne.
homeopathy is also used in acne treatment, although studies have so far not been able to provide any clear evidence of efficacy. Also popular Schüssler saltsof which twelve are specifically designed to combat bad skin. Which homeopathic applications and Schuessler salts are best suited in a particular case should be discussed with an experienced therapist.
Home remedies for acne
Home remedies such as healing earth, tea tree oil or sage oil have long been known. They can often support acne treatment.
Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil that is extracted from the tea tree. It has an antibacterial effect and is applied directly to the inflamed or reddened skin for acne treatment. Disadvantages of tea tree oil are that it smells very intense and can irritate the skin.
sage oil also works against bacteria involved in dermatitis. As part of the acne treatment, you can mix ten parts of olive oil with a portion of sage oil. Put a few drops of this mixture on a cotton ball and dab the infected areas with it. Repeat this several times a day.
One chamomile steam, as it is otherwise used in colds, opens the pores and has anti-inflammatory. A similar effect also has Hamamelis.
The best known home remedy for acne is the Heilerde, Acne patients often use it in addition to existing drug therapy. Healing earth is available as a ready-made paste or as a powder that has to be mixed with water. Apply to the skin and let it work until it is completely dry. The skin is freed of fat, sebum and excess dander and stimulated to increased blood flow.
Note, however, that healing clay dries out the skin severely. People with sensitive or inherently very dry skin need to have a good face cream after a healing treatment.
Frequently will too Zinc for acne used, more precisely, the zinc oxide. It has a disinfectant effect and can be used as an ointment or in tablet form. With zinc ointments, it should be noted that these also have a strong drying effect. When zinc is taken in tablet form, there is a risk of causing excess zinc in the body. Zinc displaces other minerals and can then have serious side effects. So before you take zinc tablets, you should discuss this with your doctor.
Nutrition in acne treatment
Very important is the diet for acne. Scientists believe that dairy products and a high glycemic diet, that is, a diet rich in sweet foods such as chocolate, chips or honey, can worsen the appearance of the skin. Although this is not the case for all people, it is still not possible to determine exactly who has an influence on the skin and who does not. As a precaution, you should take care of your diet during the treatment with acne: eat well, ensure adequate intake of vitamins and avoid too high-fat foods.
Recent studies have also shown that milk protein shakes, such as athletes like to use to build muscle mass after exercise, aggravate the appearance of the skin in a tendency to acne.
More tips for acne treatment
If you experience the first signs of acne, you should go to the doctor and discuss with him the best treatment methods for you.
Do not try to combine different treatment methods yourself. Many of the mentioned treatment methods are incompatible with each other. For example, taking certain antibiotics in combination with UV radiation can have serious side effects. Other medicines can influence acne treatment. Therefore, tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.
Many websites recommend acne treatment with UV radiation under the sunbed or in the form of sunbathing. But be sure to avoid this: UV radiation will dry out the pimples, but will not make them disappear. In the long term, it also makes the skin age faster and increases the risk of skin cancer.
Further tips for a successful acne treatment:
To wash
Wash your face at least twice a day with a mild soap. The pH of the soap should not exceed 5.5. Also, wash your hair frequently, being careful not to hang it in your face.
Care for
Maintain your face with products that contain fruit acids (such as salicylic acid or lactic acid) that help with acne treatment. Moisturizers, sunscreens, and cosmetics should be water-based, as creams containing lipid or oily creams and cosmetics will clog pores and promote acne. In a mild form of acne, non-prescription skin care from the pharmacy can be very helpful.
Supply pimples properly
Do not push your pimple out yourself. If pimples are treated unprofessionally, they become easily inflamed and the growth of new blackheads is stimulated. A beautician can treat your blackheads before they get infected, and also advise you on individual skin care.
Avoid external influences
Protect your skin from strong cold and direct sunlight. Both can worsen the acne in the long term and undo already achieved success of the acne treatment.
Well-being also plays an important role in acne: diet with healthy, vitamin-rich foods as mentioned above is just as important as adequate hydration and regular exercise. Also try to avoid stress and excitement. Only if you feel well physically and mentally, can the acne treatment be successful in the long term.