About ten percent of all cases of unfulfilled child wish in women are due to a thyroid disorder. Mostly it is a hypothyroidism. What you can do to help you get pregnant and what is important in pregnancy, read here.

Imbalance of thyroid hormones
The thyroid hormones control not only numerous metabolic processes but also fertility and reproduction. A hormonal imbalance – whether by hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism – affects the egg maturation and the menstrual cycle. Cycle disorders and infertility can be the consequences.
Latent hypothyroidism: Children’s desire also often unfulfilled
Although many women have elevated levels of TSH in their blood, they still have normal blood levels of thyroid hormones. Physicians call this a latent hypothyroidism. Fertility problems can occur even then, and not only if a lack of thyroid hormones is detectable.
Hormone measurements and search for antibodies
The measurement of thyroid gland values belongs to the basic diagnostics of every patient who can not get pregnant. Determined are the basal TSH value and the blood levels of the free thyroid hormones thyroxine (fT4) and triiodothyronine (fT3).
In addition, the doctor can examine the blood for antibodies against the thyroid gland. The detection of such thyroid autoantibodies (TPO antibodies or TAK) indicates Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This autoimmune disease causes chronic inflammation of the thyroid and is the most common cause of acquired hypothyroidism.
The results of the examination show the doctor if and which disorder of the thyroid gland is the cause of the unwanted childlessness. If it is a hypothyroidism, it will initiate a substitution therapy: The lack of thyroid hormones is compensated by the daily intake of hormone tablets. If hypothyroidism is sufficiently substituted, then women with hypothyroidism can also become pregnant.
Hypothyroidism: monitor pregnancy carefully!
For expectant mothers with hypothyroidism, doctors pay particular attention to careful monitoring of thyroid levels. Pregnancy (and lactation) bring with it an increased need for thyroid hormones. Pregnant and lactating women must therefore take a higher dose of hormone tablets. Otherwise, the hormone deficiency increases the risk of complications. This includes
- Preeclampsia (late pregnancy poisoning)
- Childish malformations
- delayed lung maturation
- overall delayed development of the child
- Miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth
Women with latent hypothyroidism also need to take thyroid hormones during pregnancy because the hormone requirement increases during pregnancy. A deficiency in the child could, among other things, result in marked neuropsychological developmental damage and a permanently reduced intelligence quotient in the child.
Hypothyroidism: desire for children in men
In the strong sex, reduced sexual desire (libido) and impotence are among the possible consequences of hypothyroidism. In many cases, the wish to have a child wish to have a child can be resolved by substituting the hormone deficiency.