Stem warts (fibromas) are despite their name no real warts. Instead, it is small, soft, stalked skin appendages, which are usually only a few millimeters in size. Why they arise, you do not know. They are certainly not caused by viruses (like real warts). That’s why they are not contagious. For medical reasons, the skin tags do not need to be removed. Read here everything important about the topic of warts!
How to recognize stalk warts
Stalked, small warts on the neck, in the armpits or other body parts are often stick warts. It is about wart-like, soft skin tags, you are stalked, Skin color and usually only a few millimeters large.
Stick warts form preferably in the fold regions the skin, so for example on the neck, in the armpits and in the inguinal region. Occasionally they also appear on the eyelids, on the buttocks or under the breasts.
Stick warts: cause
Trozt the name are stick warts no real warts. These are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). Stielwarzen, however, are so-called soft fibromas, These are benign growths of certain skin cells (fibrocytes). Why they arise is not known. But they occur in almost every person at some point – in different numbers and sizes. Especially many stalk warts (over 100) often form in heavily overweight people. In addition, the stalked fibroids are common in some families. That suggests a family predisposition.
So you can remove stalk warts
Stick warts are harmless and not contagious, So there are no medical reasons why you should remove them. Many sufferers, however, perceive them as cosmetically disturbing, Depending on the situation, they may also be exposed to mechanical irritation – for example, if the necklace always sticks to stalked skin appendages in the neck area.
In such cases, one can remove the stalk warts: the dermatologist have different procedures to choose from. He can use the skin appendage with one laser remove, burn with electric current (electrocoagulation) or with a surgical scissors (possibly under local anesthesia) cut off.
Remove the stalk warts yourself? Better not!
Some people would like to remove the stalk warts themselves, for example by taking a thread and ligating the stalk warts. But you should definitely refrain from doing that! The skin appendage can thus become extremely inflamed, massively swollen and painful. Also, the attempt to cut off stalked fibroids with an unsterile (household) scissors can have bad consequences – the wound can become infected. Let stem warts therefore always remove from the doctor!