The tetanus vaccine is the most effective remedy for tetanus (tetanus), a disease that is associated with significant complications and proceeds without treatment with regular refresher. Nevertheless, the benefit of this preventive measure is doubted by some vaccine critics. Here you will find the most important information about “Tetanus vaccine”.

How does the tetanus vaccine work?
This is how tetanus develops
Tetanus is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani caused, more precisely by its poison, The pathogen enters the human body via small or larger wounds and produces two Toxins (Bacterial toxins). One of them, tetanospasmin, is responsible for the typical symptoms of tetanus. The actual danger does not represent the bacteria themselves, but their tetanus poison.
The active tetanus vaccine
This is exactly where the active tetanus vaccine (tetanol) starts. In principle, this is the bacterial poison itself, but in a weakened form. When it is injected into the patient in this condition, its immune system comes into contact with the “light version” of the poison and begins to produce antibodies against it. But because the injected poison is weakened, it does not cause any disease. The tetanus vaccine is thus in itself no danger, but provides effective protection against the infectious disease. Should it later come to an actual infection with the dangerous pathogen, the immune system can fall back on the already formed antibodies or quickly produce new ones. The vaccinee is immune and can not get sick.
Vaccinations, in which the body’s own formation of antibodies is stimulated, are called active vaccinations. And since no live bacteria are injected with the active tetanus vaccine, one also speaks of a total vaccination.
The passive tetanus vaccine
In contrast to active vaccinations, passive antibodies that are already prepared are injected against the tetanospasmin. These antibodies are derived from human blood and are used when the patient has an open injury but no active vaccination. If you then inject the passive tetanus vaccine (tetagam), this can prevent the symptoms of tetanus or at least significantly reduce it.
Any tetanus vaccine, whether passive or active, is injected into a muscle (intramuscularly), either at the buttocks, upper arm or thighs.
Tetanus vaccine: when and how often?
The Permanent Vaccination Commission (STIKO), An expert in vaccination issues, strongly recommends active tetanus vaccination for people of all ages, whether infants or old people. In principle, it is also possible to vaccinate at any time, with the exception of serious illnesses and high fever. Because under these circumstances, the immune system is weakened or already so busy that it may not come to the desired antibody formation against the tetanus poison. However, a mild cold does not constitute a vaccination barrier, as is often mistakenly assumed.
When is the first tetanus vaccine available?
First, always the so-called primary immunization. This refers to the first vaccine dose that stimulates the production of antibodies.
Normally, this primary immunization already takes place in infants together with other standard vaccinations (diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, etc.) in several steps.
The vaccination dates are usually set at the check-up U3.
If a childhood tetanus vaccination has been missed, it can be made up at any time in adults. It makes sense even to vaccinate even if there is already suspicion of infection with tetanus. This happens then together with a passive vaccination (simultaneous vaccination). If you do not know if you have been vaccinated as a child, a complete basic immunization is also recommended.
Tetanus: Do not forget to refresh!
Although the primary immunization leads to the formation of antibodies, it must be refreshed at regular intervals. If the first vaccination took place in infancy, the vaccine protection is refreshed with one injection each in the 5th to 6th year of age and between the 9th and 17th year of age. In order to receive the vaccine protection, adults must be vaccinated every ten years.
Diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus: refresher in the pack
The refresher in the 5th year of life is done in combination with the diphtheria-whooping cough vaccine. The next refresher for teens is called Quadruple vaccination given against tetanus, diphtheria, polio and whooping cough.
For adults, the combined tetanus diphtheria vaccine (Td vaccination) to refresh the vaccine protection every ten years best. The should be unique Triple vaccine Tetanus-diphtheria-whooping cough (Tdap vaccine).
To refresh a single vaccine dose is sufficient, even if the last vaccination was more than ten years ago. The vaccine protection is very reliable. Time intervals to other vaccinations do not have to comply.
Tetanus vaccine: side effects
As with many other medicines, it is also available for the tetanus vaccine: Side effects. However, these are rather rare and in most cases harmless. The most common side effects include:
- Temporary complaints in the Gastrointestinal region
- a headache
- fever
- Swelling and pain at the injection site
Far less common are allergic reactions such as itchy pustules. In very few cases are extreme allergic symptoms to circulatory shock described. The latter is not specific to the tetanus vaccine, side effects of this kind can occur with any type of vaccine.
Is a tetanus vaccine really useful?
Anyone trying to find out about the benefits of a tetanus vaccine on the Internet will also come across negative voices. The arguments are always the same: Allegedly, the vaccine would not be necessary, pure profiteering and even hazardous to health with their dangerous side effects. It is usually stated that tetanus would rarely occur in Germany even without vaccination and could be prevented by purely hygienic measures infections.
It may be true that the higher numbers of tetanus diseases – in African countries, for example – also have to do with local hygiene deficiencies. However, the fact is that in the Western industrialized nations the number of cases of illness was significantly reduced by a consistent vaccination of the population. The benefit outweighs a risk by the rare and mostly harmless side effects by far. Since the pathogen can occur almost everywhere, one is Tetanus vaccination the only way to effectively protect yourself from infection.