Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. Foods that promote these processes should therefore be reduced as much as possible. Conversely, there are also foods that dampen inflammation. These are especially recommended. Find out here which nutrition can best contribute to the course of the skin disease.

Remove weight
In overweight psoriasis patients, diet should aim to reduce weight. Body fat, especially in the abdomen, constantly produces messenger substances that additionally fuel inflammation. It can therefore be more effective than any diet change to lose weight.
Lots of vegetables, little meat
Whether overweight or slim, with or without psoriasis: Currently, a plant-based diet with lots of whole grains and vegetables, healthy vegetable fats, little meat and more fish is the healthiest option. In fact, such a diet contains predominantly ingredients that rather counteract silent inflammation in the body – and thus seems to be particularly suitable for psoriasis patients:
Vegetables and fruit: They contain many phytochemicals that act as radical scavengers. They make harmless aggressive oxygen molecules that provoke inflammation.
More fish: Especially coldwater fish contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. These appear to be particularly effective in keeping inflammatory processes in check.
Little meat: Meat and sausages contain a lot of arachidonic acid, which causes inflammation. This also applies to high-fat dairy products and eggs.
Healthy vegetable oils: Vegetable oils also contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. However, they are shorter than fish. Nevertheless, linseed oil, walnut, canola or hemp oil, as well as flaxseed and walnuts are valuable for the psoriasis diet. The classic of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil, contains comparatively little of it. But for omega-9 fatty acids, which are considered vascular protective.
No alcohol: However, people with psoriasis should forego the glass of red wine for the meal. Alcohol can trigger psoriasis as well as keep it going.
Beyond these nutritional guidelines, many psoriasis patients report that their skin gets better when they omit certain foods, such as citrus fruits or hot spices. Which are, but varies from patient to patient.
Contradictory diet tips
There are many diet tips for people with psoriasis. However, the recommendations are often based on individual experiences, therefore often differ widely and are partially contradictory. Do not be confused by success stories and find out for yourself what is good for you and what is not. The best way to do that is with a food diary.
Special diet for severe cases
In rare, severe forms of psoriasis, extreme dandruff can cause protein, vitamin deficiency and anemia. In this case, the diet must be adjusted or supported with appropriate preparations.