There are many signs of middle ear infection. Symptoms can range from typical earache to less frequent vomiting. Overall, patients often feel choppy.Hier you read all the important information about “Otitis Media: Symptoms”.

Middle ear infection: symptoms that are typical
Especially the onset is typical for middle ear infection. Signs of an acute illness are sudden, severe earache. They occur on one or both sides. A knocking or throbbing in the ear is also a common sign of otitis media. Symptoms such as hearing problems or dizziness can additionally occur.
If there is a purulent otitis media, the eardrum can rupture. In this case, purulent-bloody fluid comes out of the ear. Frequently, the earache disappears abruptly.
Besides these characteristic symptoms of otitis media, there are other signs.
Otitis media: Symptoms that are nonspecific
Many patients also show non-specific signs of illness. These include in a middle ear inflammation symptoms such as:
- Fever (especially in infants)
- Fatigue and a strong sense of illness
- Nausea and vomiting
Apart from that, there are other symptoms that can occur due to otitis media. These have something to do with the cause responsible for the middle ear infection. Symptoms such as runny nose or cough, for example, indicate that an upper respiratory tract infection originally caused the infection of the middle ear.
Middle ear inflammation: Symptoms are often individually different
Like every disease, the middle ear infection in each person varies individually. For example, there are cases of middle ear infection without pain or otitis media without fever. The age of the patients also plays a role and affects symptoms of middle ear infection. For example, adults have less fever than children. These, in turn, generally show up in Middle ear inflammation symptoms such as fever, increased irritability and constant touch of the affected ear.