One of the most common skin diseases in childhood is atopic dermatitis: Baby and toddler first show cradle cap, reddened, scaly skin and itching. Sometimes the inflammatory skin disease disappears as it grows. In other cases, it persists into adulthood. Read more about eczema in infants and helpful tips for parents here.
Symptoms of eczema: baby and toddler
Heavy itching and inflamed skin (eczema) are typical symptoms of eczema – in babies as well as in older children and adults. However, there are also differences between atopic dermatitis in the baby and toddler and the disease in other age groups. They mainly affect the milk scab, which occurs only in babies. In addition, the eczema of atopic dermatitis in infants and toddlers prefers to form in other places than in older children, adolescents and adults:
The baby atopic dermatitis often starts in the face, with Cradle cap: This is what is called whitish-yellow scale scars on reddened skin reminiscent of burnt milk. The affected skin can also wet. Often, the milk scab forms on the extensor sides of the arms and legs.
Attention: Many babies show in the first months of life a sebaceous, yellowish to brownish scale of the scalp. This is not milk scab, but the harmless head gneiss. He usually disappears by himself again in his first year of life.
Not every infant with milk scab has or actually gets eczema. In about half of the children the milk scab heals until the second year of life, and there are no other features of atopic dermatitis.
For safety’s sake milk cradle should always be inspected by a doctor. Often it is just after eczema. Baby and toddler can then be treated early. This often prevents a greater spread of inflammatory skin disease.
In addition to milk scab, infants and toddlers with atopic dermatitis soon show other symptoms. The reddened skin develops severe itchy, scaly eczema, At the same time the skin is dry. In babies, the eczema occurs mainly in the face, ears and other parts of the head.
In infants, they often find themselves in the joints, such as elbows, knees and wrists. One speaks here of so-called flexor eczema, The neck, face (including eyelids and lips), buttocks and thighs, back of the feet and hands of infants may also show inflammatory, itchy skin lesions. In children who suck thumbs, this is also often affected.
Note: Atopic dermatitis in babies and toddlers does not have to continue into adolescence (and beyond): in around half of the small patients, eczema symptoms disappear until the second year of life.
Prevention of atopic dermatitis (baby)
Some measures can prevent the onset of atopic dermatitis already in infancy. They are especially important in children who have a family history. In other words, these at-risk children have close relatives (such as parents, siblings) with neurodermatitis and other atopic diseases such as hay fever, food allergies or allergic asthma. They therefore have an increased risk of developing such an atopic disease itself.
The most important tips for the prevention of atopic diseases such as atopic dermatitis in babies are:
- Pregnant women should not smoke. This protects the child from various health problems, and also from eczema. For the same reason children should not come into contact with tobacco smoke even after birth (smoke-free home!).
- Babies should be fully breastfed for at least the first four months of life.
- Risk children who are not fully breastfed should receive hypoallergenic baby food. For babies without a family history of atopic dermatitis and other atopic diseases, such HA baby food is not necessary.
- Nursing mothers should eat a balanced diet. Fish should also be on the menu: this prevents neurodermatitis and other atopic diseases in children. The same applies if the mother already eats fish during pregnancy.
- The feeding of complementary foods recommend experts from the 4th month of life. Here, infants should get even in the first year of life also fish. This apparently protects the little ones from atopic diseases such as atopic dermatitis.
- Risk children should not grow up in a household where cats live.
Eczema in children: tips
The following tips will help you in dealing with atopic dermatitis children:
Itching in atopic dermatitis
Especially infants and toddlers with atopic dermatitis can often be barely prevented from scratching themselves. In the resulting wounds can easily infect pathogens such as bacteria and trigger an infection. To prevent this, babies and toddlers should have eczema at night Cotton gloves wear. Fix the gloves on the wrists with adhesive plaster. That way they can not get lost at night.
Alternatively, you can also have one for your child Eczema Overall to get. He is provided with attached caps on the sleeves.
In addition, the small ones should Cut fingernails regularly, It is also recommended that the little ones be creamed well before going to bed.
Try it too Stroking the itching: Gently stroke the itchy skin of the children. Sometimes it helps to rub the skin on another (unaffected) part of the body. This can distract the little ones from the itching.
Cool envelopes (no ice!) can also relieve the itching. For more treatment tips, see Neurodermatitis: Treatment.
The right clothes
Use for children with eczema only Clothes made of soft, skin-friendly material like cotton or viscose. This also applies to scarves and stockings. The skin on the neck and legs is particularly sensitive to many eczema children.
It is also useful if the Garments white or at least light are. Then they reflect the sunlight. This does not warm the little one so easily – heat can intensify the itching. In addition, dark clothing often contains many dyes. These can additionally irritate the sensitive skin.
Sweating can also be avoided if the clothing consists of several thin layers instead of just a few thick layers (“look onion“).
The sleeping clothes In atopic dermatitis children should be closed to the neck. The fewer skin areas exposed, the lower the risk that the children will scratch themselves while sleeping. At the same time, however, the sleeping clothes should be made of a light material so that the itching does not worsen by too much heat. For the same reason, you should only use the child with one light duvet cover and make sure that the Bedroom not too warm is.
Clothes and linen should always be washed before using for the first time.
Much understanding and attention
Due to the tormenting itching, eczema makes baby and child hard to deal with. The little patients often know their discomfort and discomfort, other than screaming and restlessness. Therefore, have a lot of patience with the little ones.
Eczema in children (and older people) does not only cause physical discomfort – the soul also suffers. The constant itching can be very stressful mentally. In addition, some children are sometimes teased by their playmates for their skin inflammation. This burdens the child’s soul in addition.
Therefore, give your eczema child much understanding and attention. You can also contact other people or join a support group. This is how your child learns that his illness is not alone.
It can also help if you know relaxation techniques for yourself and your child.
Family life with atopic dermatitis
Healthy sibling children may feel they are receiving too little attention from their parents. Therefore, take enough “neurodermatitis-free time” for the other family members.
The eczema of your child should not be a personality trait. Even though the disease needs a lot of attention, your child should still learn that there are other things that matter. Above all, do not let scratching become a means of pressure! Some atopic eczema children quickly learn that they get attention from the adults by scratching. Do not respond with full attention every time your child scratches. Otherwise, your child will try to enforce his will through constant scratching.
Another tip for the care of small patients with Eczema: baby Infants and toddlers often can not sleep at night due to itching and begin to cry or cry. Parents should take turns in getting up and taking care of the child.