In more advanced stages, lung cancer causes symptoms such as bloody sputum, shortness of breath and rapid weight loss. Initially, many patients show no or only nonspecific symptoms, such as coughing and chest pain. That is why lung cancer is often discovered late. Read all important information about: How to recognize lung cancer?
Lung cancer: symptoms depend on the stage
Lung cancer (bronchial carcinoma) is insidious: In early stages, it often causes no or only unspecific complaints. This includes, for example prolonged cough, This also occurs in many other diseases, such as chronic bronchitis. Therefore, it is usually not recognized as a possible lung cancer sign.
Other first signs of lung cancer can not be clearly attributed to this condition. This applies, for example, to reduced efficiency, fatigue and light fever, Such general complaints also occur in various infections, such as a cold. Many people do not take them seriously.
In advanced stages, lung cancer can be symptoms like rapid weight loss, bloody expectoration and difficulty breathing cause. They are often triggered by concomitant infections.
Lung cancer symptoms at a glance
In summary, here are the main possible signs of lung cancer:
- “Smoker’s bronchitis”: persistent cough with sputum after years of tobacco consumption
- persistent cough, which does not improve even after several weeks and suddenly changes
- persistent hoarseness
- Bronchitis or cold, which does not improve despite antibiotics
- difficulty in breathing
- constant chest pain
- nocturnal sweating
- Expectoration with or without blood
- Swelling of the neck or face
- lack of appetite or heavy weight loss
- fevers
- general malaise and weakness
- neurological symptoms such as headache, blurred vision, paralysis
- strong pain
With persistent shortness of breath, the body does not get enough oxygen. this chronic lack of oxygen The doctor calls chronic hypoxia (or hypoxemia). Although a slight undersupply of oxygen is not life threatening. She does the patient though less efficient and resilient.
The chronic undersupply of oxygen is noticeable over time on the fingers: the finger end limbs are then thickened and distended (Clubbed fingers). The fingernails appear round and strongly arched outward (Watchglass). These changes are generally a sign that the body is getting too little oxygen. So they are just indirect signs of lung cancer. Other illnesses can be behind it.
Pain are important symptoms of advanced lung cancer: The tumor can grow out of the lungs. For example, it often spreads in the direction of the spine. That’s why lung cancer can back pain occur. When bones are attacked by cancer cells (bone metastases), patients report Osteoarthritis-like pain.
If the cancerous tumor presses against the esophagus, one can swallowing disorder (Dysphagia) arise. In some patients, the lung tumor presses on the nerve that controls the movement of the vocal cords (recurrent nerves). That leads to persistent hoarseness.
Prominent neck veins are also a possible indication. Because lung cancer can cause a so-called upper congestion: Because the tumor suppresses the large superior vena cava (superior vena cava), the blood from the venous vessels of the upper half of the body no longer flows unhindered to the heart. It then accumulates in the veins on the head, neck and arms.
Neurological symptoms in lung cancer indicate that the cancer cells infect the brain and have metastasized here. The patients then suffer, for example a headache, Visual and balance disorders or Paralysis. Also confusion and seizures are possible. Some patients also show Changes in their nature, triggered by the brain metastases.
Of the Pancoast tumor is a special form of bronchial carcinoma. It arises at the lung tip and can grow from there into certain structures (ie they infiltrate). For example, in some patients it grows into the so-called “ganglion stellatum”. This is a special network of nerves that, among other things, controls the muscles in and around the eye. When it is damaged, a combination of three symptoms often occurs. Doctors speak of this Horner’s syndrome:
- The eyelid on the affected side hangs down and can no longer be raised completely (ptosis, ptosis).
- The pupil narrows and no longer responds to changes in light intensity (miosis).
- The eye sinks slightly into the eye socket (enophthalmos).
The pancoast tumor sometimes also infiltrates the “brachial plexus”. This is a network of nerves that supplies, among other things, the arm. Then the Sensation in the arm lost walk. Also Pain and paralysis in the arm are possible symptoms.
In addition, there are other possible symptoms. Lung cancer can also spread to other organs and tissues and cause complaints there.
Paraneoplastic syndrome
Some symptoms of lung cancer are not the result of destructive tumor growth itself. They arise in other ways: for example, the cancer cells can produce large amounts of hormone-like substances (such as ACTH). In addition, the cancerous body can produce antibodies that attack the organs and tissues. The symptoms of such mechanisms are summarized under the term “paraneoplastic syndromes”.
In principle, paraneoplastic syndromes are possible in many cancers. However, they often accompany a specific group of lung cancer – small cell lung cancer. Symptoms can be here:
- Fat storage in the face and trunk, as well as thin skin and brittle bones (osteoporosis)
- Headache, nausea, loss of appetite and increased irritability
- Cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness and paralysis. Also kidney stones are increasingly formed and the pancreas is more prone to inflammation.
- Hypoglycaemia with signs of restlessness, rapid heartbeat, sweating and cravings. In severe hypoglycaemia even seizures and coma are possible.
- Brain and spinal inflammation
- Sensory disorders and pain in the extremities
Paraneoplastic syndromes can be very different. The type and severity of symptoms that occur varies from patient to patient.
How to recognize lung cancer on time?
It is very difficult to detect bronchial carcinoma early on. If this actually succeeds, then usually as incidental findings in the context of a routine examination. Until symptoms even show, the tumor is already well advanced in many cases.
Therefore, you should go to the doctor if you have one or more of the above symptoms. Anyone who suffers from coughing over a longer period of time should have this medically clarified. This applies a fortiori when additional risk factors such as cigarette consumption or an increased age exist. Chronic, therapy-resistant cough is one of the most common Lung cancer symptoms.