A shoulder bruise (shoulder contusion) is caused by a fall or a blow on the shoulder. Swelling and pain are the typical symptoms. Learn all about shoulder bruising: What are the common causes of the injury? What kind of complaints does it cause? How is a shoulder contusion diagnosed and treated?

Shoulder Bruise: Description
As a shoulder bruise doctors call a blunt, closed injury to the shoulder, in which soft tissues such as muscles and tendons are squeezed. “Closed” means that the skin remains unharmed.
Shoulder Bruise: Symptoms
A shoulder bruise is accompanied by a swelling. The mobility of the affected shoulder is limited due to pain. Sometimes the impact or blow has left a bruise, abrasions or a bruise on the shoulder.
Shoulder Bruising: Causes and Risk Factors
A shoulder contusion is the result of a dull trauma: If you suffer a blow or fall on the shoulder, the tissue can be bruised by the external impact of violence. Often this happens in sports, such as contact and martial arts such as football, hockey, judo or karate. But even an accident, for example by car or bicycle, can cause a shoulder bruise.
Shoulder Bruise: Examinations and Diagnosis
To clarify whether injury shoulder pain results from a bruise or other injury, you should go to the doctor. It will first inquire about the injury mechanism and the complaints. Possible questions are:
- How did the injury come about?
- What complaints do you have?
- Where exactly do you feel pain?
- Can you easily move the shoulder joint?
This is followed by the physical examination. The doctor carefully scans the injured shoulder and checks the mobility of the shoulder joint.
With the help of imaging techniques, the doctor can rule out other injuries as the cause of the condition, such as a broken bone by X-ray examination or ligament injury with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Shoulder Bruise: Treatment
When shoulder bruising is recommended as a first measure the cooling of the injured region. This counteracts pain and swelling. For example, you can put an ice pack or a cold envelope on your injured shoulder.
To relieve pain you can apply a diclofenac ointment dressing (diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory analgesic). If necessary, the doctor can also prescribe stronger analgesics for the patient.
Shoulder Bruise: Disease Course and Prognosis
Despite the injury-related pain when moving the shoulder you should avoid immobilization and restraint. Instead, patients should move their shoulders lightly on a regular basis and under physiotherapeutic guidance, try to increase their range of motion soon.
How quickly the pain subsides depends on the severity of the bruise. Usually one heals shoulder contusion without complications within a few weeks.