A cold is an infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is triggered by different types of viruses. It usually occurs in autumn and winter. A cold can be recognized by symptoms such as a cold, cough or fever. In most cases, a cold lasts no more than a week, complications are rare. Read here everything important for the cold.

Cold: Description
A cold (flu-like infection) is an infection of the upper airways with viruses. Most of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchi are affected. In some cases, it also causes bacterial infection. Physicians then speak of a secondary or superinfection.
A cold is accompanied by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, chills and headache. In most cases, a cold is harmless. The symptoms usually last about a week.
Most colds occur in the autumn and winter months. In exceptional cases, a common cold develops into a chronic cold. This is what medical experts talk about when the common cold occurs again and again within a very short time and those affected can hardly recover properly. Such a cold usually occurs in people with a weakened immune system (for example, in HIV) or, if you are infected while you are still ill, again.
Everyone can get a cold. That is why it is considered the most common infectious disease in Europe: schoolchildren have seven to ten infections per year, adults about two to five.
Basically, a cold is contagious. The viruses are transmitted to other people in the smallest saliva droplets when coughing, talking or sneezing. People with chronic conditions such as HIV may have a cold with more serious symptoms than otherwise healthy people.
In everyday use, a flu infection is often confused with the flu. The difference between cold and flu is that a cold is usually more superficial and with lighter symptoms. On the other hand, influenza can become so severe that it can even be fatal to immunocompromised individuals, infants and the elderly. In addition, influenza usually causes a high fever, body aches and it often takes several weeks until those affected have completely recovered.
Cold in the summer?
Around twenty percent of colds occur in the summer. This surprises many people, but is easy to explain: In summer, our immune system is quickly overwhelmed by various factors. Risk factors for a cold in the summer are strong temperature fluctuations, physical exertion and long stays in the sun. Even a long swim in the water and keeping wet bathing clothes strain the body.
Therefore, make sure not to spend too much time in the water during the summer. Take a break when you feel cold and dry off well. Change damp or sweaty clothes immediately. The air conditioning in the car and draft in the house are risk factors.
If possible, you should always have a light jacket in the summer. Especially in the evening it comes quickly to a temperature change. Also, make sure you drink enough: two to three liters per day are essential. This not only ensures that the body does not dry out, the liquid also keeps the mucous membranes moist and ensures that they maintain their natural protection against pathogens.
Allergy or cold?
The symptoms of an allergy and a cold are often very similar, so in everyday life is often the question “cold or allergy?”. Both cause colds, nasal congestion, sneezing or headaches. But you can tell by some small differences what it is. An allergy rarely causes fever or headache, while a cold already. Cough, hoarseness and dizziness are more likely signs of a cold. In an allergy, in contrast, the eyes are often irritated and it comes increasingly to sneezing. A pronounced malady is usually absent in allergy.
Cold: symptoms
Everything important to the typical signs of the cold can be read in the article
Cold – symptoms.
Cold: causes and risk factors
A flu infection can be triggered by around 200 different types of viruses. The viruses are transmitted to other people in small saliva droplets that arise when speaking, coughing or sneezing (droplet infection). After the viruses have invaded the body, they first attack the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. An incipient cold is usually recognized by colds or by the fact that the nose is “closed”. From there the viruses migrate down the respiratory tract over the throat and attack the mucous membranes of the bronchi. In extreme cases, it may develop into bronchitis. In addition, the pathogens can also reach the paranasal sinus and cause sinusitis (sinusitis). As a trigger of a cold, inter alia, the following viruses come into question:
- Rhinoviruses (40 percent)
- RSV (10-15 percent)
- Coronaviruses (10-25 percent)
In small children, human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is the most common cause of cold after rhinoviruses. Virus strains that cause a cold mutate easily. After a single infection, you are not immune to a specific virus. You can catch a cold again and again.
Between the infection and the onset of the cold are usually about two to five days (incubation period). During this time, no symptoms of disease occur even though the viruses are already in the body. Even without complaints, you can already infect other people during this time. Cold viruses survive for several hours on the skin of humans. The viruses can also be transferred to objects or other people (smear infection). Especially in children, the infection (cold or flu) is done quickly via shared toys. So be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after each nose brushing or sneezing.
Again and again, the connection between cold and cold is discussed. In the past, it was assumed that too long a cold exposure can cause a cold. More likely, however, is that too long a cold exposure weakens the immune system – or even the dry heating air, which strains the mucous membranes. In a weakened immune system, the viruses can easily enter the body.
Cold: examinations and diagnosis
The diagnosis is made in case of a cold based on the symptoms and the physical examination. You do not always have to go to a doctor for a cold. You can also cure a slight cold yourself. Occur symptoms that are not classically associated with a cold, but a visit to the doctor makes sense. In any case, the following groups of people should consult a doctor, as even a simple cold can be dangerous:
- People with immunodeficiency (congenital or acquired, for example, by drugs in cancer therapy)
- People with existing other illnesses (especially in bronchial asthma)
- People who have been on long-distance travel lately
- older people
- small children
First, the doctor records the medical history (medical history). You have the opportunity to describe your symptoms in detail. In addition, the doctor can ask questions like:
- Since when do you have these symptoms?
- Do you have chills?
- Is the mucus on coughing or nasal secretions greenish, yellowish or brownish?
- Do you have elevated temperature or fever?
Subsequently, a physical examination takes place. In doing so, the doctor listens to the lungs and the respiratory tract in order to rule out other illnesses that may be favored by a cold (such as pneumonia). Also useful is a blood test, in which the pathogens are determined more accurately.
In the case of a cold, viral and bacterial infections are common. Doctors speak of a super or secondary infection. Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, but not viruses. Therefore, the specific pathogens are detected in the blood in order to decide whether and how to treat a flu infection.
Difference Influenza & cold
It is important to determine exactly whether there is a cold or flu in the acute case. A flu usually runs much heavier than a normal cold. It may pose a serious mortal danger to small children, the elderly or people whose immune system is weakened (for example in HIV).
In the case of flu, the symptoms are usually very sudden and there is a rapid deterioration. In contrast to the slight headache with the common cold, the headache is usually boring or throbbing. Runny nose occurs only occasionally, but the body temperature can rise to over 41 degrees. The high fever is usually accompanied by chills, sweats and fatigue. Often, loss of appetite, weakness and circulatory problems are added. In the cold, only rarely occur sore throat, the coughing is usually low. In flu, sufferers often suffer from severe sore throat, combined with a dry dry cough. The difference between flu and cold can usually be determined by the physician on the basis of the anamnesis. The physical examination can confirm the suspicion.
Cold: treatment
A cold can usually be treated independently, only in very severe cases, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Above all, sufficient physical protection, plenty of drinking and, if necessary, measures to soothe the mucous membranes in the nasopharyngeal area are important.
It is best to drink herbal tea with a cold. These soothe the mucous membranes and ensure that your body does not dry out. If you have a severe cold with a fever and a pronounced feeling of illness, it may also make sense to stay at home or in bed for a few days.
Nasal drops also help to reduce the mucous membranes, making it easier to breathe through the nose. However, you should not use nasal sprays for more than a week at a time, so the recommendation. There is a risk that the body will get used to the substances and you will have breathing problems without a nasal spray. Only nasal spray based on a salt solution (seawater nasal spray) can be used longer. An inhalation is just as effective: dissolve a few spoonfuls of cooking salt in boiling water and inhale the rising vapor. You can cover your head and bowl with a towel so that as much steam as possible gets into your nose.
To reduce the pain you can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These drugs are relatively weak in their effect and are therefore suitable for self-medication. Pay careful attention to the instructions on the leaflet. Paracetamol has an analgesic and a fever-lowering effect. Both medications can be used in the form of tablets, as a suppository, syrup or juice. In children you should use suppository, syrup or juice. Swallowing tablets is difficult for many children. When dosing you should not exceed a maximum dose of eight tablets á 500 mg in adults, otherwise it can lead to liver damage. Take paracetamol in single doses, should be between the revenue each six to eight hours.
More tips for a cold
Make sure you have hygiene when you have a cold. It’s best to wash your hands after every nasal wash. Because the viruses can survive on the body surface for a long time, you can always infect yourself and other people again and again. Immediately throw used handkerchiefs in the trash and do not leave them lying around. Poor hygiene is one reason why a cold can develop into a chronic cold.
Avoid physical exertion and sport! Increased stress during a cold can lead to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). Eat as versatile and balanced as possible. It makes no sense to swallow only vitamin supplements. Instead, you should look for a varied, vitamin-rich diet with enough minerals. This also strengthens your immune system and your natural defense.
Sleep with your head up. This frees the mucous membranes and makes you breathe easier. So you sleep through more and feel fitter in the morning. In addition, the immune system is strengthened by sufficient sleep. It is also good to ventilate the apartment regularly or to set up a humidifier. You should also avoid cigarette smoke. This irritates the mucous membranes and can thus increase the discomfort.
Cold: disease course and prognosis
A flu infection is usually harmless. As a rule, the symptoms persist for about one, for a maximum of two weeks. In exceptional cases, a cold may take longer. This is the case, for example, if you repeatedly transfer viruses to yourself due to a lack of hygiene. Viruses mutate very fast. However, the body forms very specific substances for defense against only one type of virus. If another virus is added, the cold can break out again. A longer duration of illness may also be present if you become infected with someone else during the cold.
Complications rarely occur with a cold. Due to the viruses, however, the mucous membranes are weakened and more susceptible to other pathogens. So it often comes with a cold to a secondary infection with bacteria. This can cause inflammation of the eyes, sinuses, middle ear, throat, bronchi or lungs. In such case, it is advisable to see a doctor. Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Also, be careful not to drive a spot with a cold! Due to the increased load together with the virus attack can lead to an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). This is potentially life threatening.
If you have a bad cold, it may be a good idea to get sick for a few days and stay at home. Make sure that you fully recover. If you do not completely cure yourself, it often happens that a cold is delayed. In case of an aborted cold, the pathogens are not completely eliminated from the body or the body is repeatedly attacked by other viruses within a short time. This can develop into a chronic cold. Sufficient protection is important. Overall, one represents cold but usually no major impairment and severe cases are more of an exception than the rule.